Thursday, July 11, 2013

Jul 11 - New 'Gizmodo' feed email from

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IFTTT's New iOS App Mines and Automates Your Entire Phone

Jul 11, 8:40AM

IFTTT's New iOS App Mines and Automates Your Entire Phone

If This, Then That (IFTTT) is a pretty clever system for linking data flows between websites—but until now it's only been available on the web. Now, it's been made available for iOS, and it looks set to mine and automate your entire phone.



Humorous HTML Greeting Cards Are the Route to Any Geek's Heart

Jul 11, 7:47AM

Humorous HTML Greeting Cards Are the Route to Any Geek's Heart

If there's a way to any geek's heart, it's through a dubious HTML-based joke—which is why these greeting cards are the perfect way to tell your loved ones exactly what you're thinking.



A Guy Fawkes Mask for Every Skin Tone, Gender, Culture and More

Jul 11, 5:00AM

A Guy Fawkes Mask for Every Skin Tone, Gender, Culture and More

The creeptastic Guy Fawkes mask has become synonymous with Anonymous, protesting and basically any group that is trying to fight against injustice. But why does a Guy Fawkes mask have to just be one white male face? Can't it be represented in different genders and ethnicities and cultures? Maybe!



The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Offering Athena (NSFW)

Jul 11, 4:00AM

La Fura dels Baus, the Monegros des Art festival, is billed asa the biggest rave in Spain. This 20-hour marathon party will host 40,000 people and include massive live theater acts as well as the oontz-oontz. As part of "Aphrodite and the Judgment of Paris," a live performance wherein the audience observes the entire production process—from rehearsals to opening night video—video director Esterina Zarrillo created a series of haunting character studies like the one above. Hera, Zeus, and even Athena herself are all equally unsettling. This looks spectacular.



LG's World's Slimmest 1080p Display Is Impossibly Thin

Jul 11, 3:01AM

LG's World's Slimmest 1080p Display Is Impossibly Thin

With everyone racing to become the thinnest, slimmest thing in technology, LG just showed off how skinny it has gotten. Millimeters matter man! LG's new 1080p HD display is perfect for giganto smartphones at 5.2-inches big and just 2.2mm thin. On top of that, it only has a 2.3mm bezel which makes it practically floating glass.



How to Make Awesome Green Slime

Jul 11, 2:30AM

Here's a super quick and fun project you can make with your inner kid (or your real kid, if you have one): make perfectly green slime that oozes and gets gooey in all the right places. It's Nickelodeon in a homemade toy. It's realistic mutant plasma that makes you feel as if you've murdered an alien. If you have a soul inside you, you cannot hate this.



WSJ: Google Is Spending $500 Million to Advertise the Upcoming Moto X

Jul 11, 1:34AM

WSJ: Google Is Spending $500 Million to Advertise the Upcoming Moto X

The WSJ is reporting that Google is ready to dump half a billion dollars in marketing for the upcoming Moto X. That's a huge chunk of change. Supposedly, the Moto X will be available on all four major carriers, free of most of those carriers crapware and will come in different colors.



What Different Languages Think Different Animals Sound Like

Jul 11, 12:30AM

Hello. Hola. Bonjour. Ni Hao. We all say things differently because each language has their own words. Like, duh. But what about how different languages think animals sound? We're not exactly saying words as much as we are simply enunciating simple sounds and yet, different languages have their own take on each animal sound too.



Every Single Pair of Freaking Headphones Ends Up Like This

Jul 10, 11:30PM

Every Single Pair of Freaking Headphones Ends Up Like This

The timelapse of an untouched pair of headphones pretty much goes exactly like this comic. You set them aside totally mindful of the cables, carefully keeping them from each other. You ignore them until you need them again. And then when you pick them up, they're a tangled mess. Every. Single. Time.



Before Online Education, These 15 TVs Were the Classroom of Tomorrow

Jul 10, 10:35PM

Before Online Education, These 15 TVs Were the Classroom of Tomorrow

On a muggy spring day in Manhattan during the throes of the Great Depression, about 200 New York University students shuffled into a room on the 62nd floor of the RCA Building. They were there for a lesson on the principles of photoelectricity, taught by their professor, Dr. C. C. Clark. But strangely, the professor wasn't there in the room with them. At least not in the flesh.



This Concrete-Recycling Robot Devours Entire Buildings

Jul 10, 10:00PM

This Concrete-Recycling Robot Devours Entire Buildings

Demolishing a building is a big, messy pain in the neck. Dynamite is loud and dangerous. Wrecking balls are heavy and dangerous. Why not just get a robot to do the work?



Tiny Sticker-Like Sensors Will Let You Monitor Everything, Everywhere

Jul 10, 9:25PM

Tiny Sticker-Like Sensors Will Let You Monitor Everything, Everywhere

Environmental sensors are used everywhere from heavy industry to UAVs hunting the troposphere for water vapor. The new postage-stamp sized, self-powered, flexible wireless sensor unveiled today by Japan's Green Sensor Network Laboratories could make home applications a breeze, letting you measure the humidity of your greenhouse or make sure your pipes don't burst in a winter freeze.



The Ocotomask's Built-In GoPro Mount Allows a Hands-Free Life Aquatic

Jul 10, 9:20PM

The Ocotomask's Built-In GoPro Mount Allows a Hands-Free Life Aquatic

In the world's oceans, human divers are as mobile as a fish out of water. So, what, you think you're going to fend off an inquisitive shark or lascivious dolphin while holding a GoPro? Not likely, but that's where the Octomask comes in. Now anybody can be a modern Jacques Cousteau and keep their hands free for defending themselves under the sea.



From the Onion: "Facebook: 'We Will Make Our Product Worse, You Will Be Upset, And Then You Will Liv

Jul 10, 9:03PM

From the Onion: "Facebook: 'We Will Make Our Product Worse, You Will Be Upset, And Then You Will Live With It'" Is it even satire if everyone's pretty sure that someone at Menlo Park actually said that at some point?



This Cheap Plastic Insert Turns Your Jars Into Lunch Boxes

Jul 10, 9:00PM

Remember Cuppow? It's that genius attachment that turns any jar into a travel carafe. Now its creators have returned with the BNTO, an insert that for $7 turns your mason jars into lunch boxes.



If the Budget iPhone Is Real, We Hope It Looks Like This

Jul 10, 8:52PM

If the Budget iPhone Is Real, We Hope It Looks Like This

Rumors of a "budget iPhone" feel like they've been swirling around the Internet for ages, but it'll still be a while before we know if they're real. If they are though, we hope they look as jaw-droppingly awesome as these renders.



First Video of the Navy's X-47B Drone Landing on an Aircraft Carrier

Jul 10, 8:43PM

One of the most sophisticated drones the world has ever seen landed on an aircraft carrier Wednesday afternoon, wowing the socks off the top brass and changing war as we know it.



Shooting Challenge: Water Fight

Jul 10, 8:31PM

Shooting Challenge: Water Fight

Summer's in full swing. So it's time to make excuses. Excuses to use your camera, to be immature, and to hit somebody consentingly in the face with a water balloon.



A Comfy Throne That Explodes Into Plush Stools To Seat All Your Guests

Jul 10, 8:20PM

A Comfy Throne That Explodes Into Plush Stools To Seat All Your Guests

A king or queen is nothing without their subjects, so if you're on the hunt for a comfy chair that's worthy of your greatness while not leaving everyone else sitting on the floor, the Quartz marks the end of your search.



Documents From Albert Einstein's Travels Through (Part) Time

Jul 10, 8:08PM

Documents From Albert Einstein's Travels Through (Part) Time

Even geniuses have to put in some time punching the clock. Look no further than Albert Einstein himself, master of not only space-time but also—during a brief stint as a 9-to5er—of time cards.



I Wore a Bionic Leg, And I Never Wanted To Take It Off Again

Jul 10, 7:48PM

Say you've just had ACL surgery. Or you're recovering from a bad break. Or, worse, you suffer a stroke, or MS, or spinal or neurological damage. Regaining the power to walk is one of the toughest things you can do, and it may be impossible without a crutch, rail, or physical therapist to lean on. The AlterG Bionic Leg—straight out of the sci-fi future—may be the answer you've been dreaming of. I should know. I tried it.



You can now order food for delivery and pickup directly through Yelp.

Jul 10, 7:45PM

You can now order food for delivery and pickup directly through Yelp. There's no threat to your pal Seamless just yet—Yelp's service is only available at a few places in New York and San Francisco for now. But it will roll out to other cities in the next few months.



Okay So Yeah I Guess T-Mobile's LTE Is Fast

Jul 10, 7:22PM

Okay So Yeah I Guess T-Mobile's LTE Is Fast

These speeds aren't indicative of what T-Mo's LTE network—which just went live in NYC and elsewhere— will look like once it's full of iPhone bandwidth hogs, but for now, uhhhh, holy crap.



50 Debunked Science Misconceptions Will Make You Less Dumb

Jul 10, 7:08PM

Being an enlightened individual means understanding basic scientific information about how the world works. Sure, we have teachers and parents there to fill our brains with knowledge, but the sad truth is that there are certain facts that take on a life of their own as they pass from ear to ear, eventually etching themselves into our collective brain-mass in twisted forms that are, well, just plain wrong.



How Puritanical Tech Giants Are Stifling the Porn Industry

Jul 10, 7:01PM

How Puritanical Tech Giants Are Stifling the Porn Industry

A generation of innovators want to change the way we have sex and consume porn, but Google, Apple, and Amazon won't let them.



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