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What's the Absolute Minimum You Can Compress Data to?
Jul 09, 7:44AM
If you've ever tried to squeeze data down into a tiny file, you'll know that there comes a point where you can't get it any smaller. This video explains why that is.
Did Florida Accidentally Ban All Computers and Smartphones?
Jul 09, 5:00AM
Because Florida was hastily attached to America to be the butt of her jokes, this latest piece of ridiculousness should come as no surprise: Florida might have accidentally banned all computers and smart phones. How? It all stems from a poorly worded bill that banned Internet cafes and slot machines.
The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Dash IT!
Jul 09, 4:00AM
Take a wild and raucous romp through a nonsequiter world of ninjas, tentacle monsters, roving eyes, and strutting fingertips in this manic music video for Agemixer's Da Shit animated by Alexandr Tanana.
Bank of America's Twitter Account Is One Really Really Dumb Robot
Jul 09, 2:47AM
It's always nice to get a response from Company X's official Twitter account when you rage tweet about how Company X is so terrible and awful and that you'd never do anything with them again. It seems like they care about you! It seems like they want to help! It seems like they're... human. Too bad they're usually just stupid robots like this Bank of America Twitter account.
Would This New Urinal Design Make Men Wash Their Hands?
Jul 09, 1:30AM
Here's a problem about guys: many of us don't wash our hands after using the restroom. It might be general grossness or everyman laziness or being too trusting your own hygiene or being too drunk or taking on a drive through mentality with a urinal but if you monitor a men's restroom, you'll see many folks skip the sink.
These Earbuds Ping Your Head to Measure Swelling on Your Brain
Jul 09, 12:30AM
If your brain is swelling, either due to infection or physical injury, you're going to need these Headsense cranial monitors more than you need another hole in your head.
This Is What Happens When a Phone Explodes on Your Leg *GRAPHIC*
Jul 09, 12:00AM
You have the Internet in your pocket. The ability to communicate with anyone in the world at your fingertips. A big and beautiful glass screen that's asking to be touched. Too bad all those things can combine into one giant firework bomb in your pants. We've all heard about phones exploding and seen the damage it causes, here's what it looks like up close. It's terrifying.
Oblast: Foxy (NSFW)
Jul 08, 11:00PM
Kids these days sure have a funny way of flirting. Heavy beats and haunting lyrics dominate Oblast's latest music video about a warring couple.
Gizmodo Microsoft Actually Considered These Idiotic Names for the Original Xbox | Kotaku 100 Things
Jul 08, 10:39PM
Gizmodo Microsoft Actually Considered These Idiotic Names for the Original Xbox | Kotaku 100 Things You Might Not Know About Final Fantasy VII | Jezebel Facebook Employee Writes About What He Learned on Paternity Leave | Deadspin Ex-Fiancée Had No Idea Jason Collins Was Gay, Remains "Deeply Hurt"
"Umami" Was Coined by the Inventor of MSG to Describe Its Taste
Jul 08, 9:52PM
In 1908, Japanese chemist Kikunae Ikeda isolated and patented monosodium glutamate, more commonly known to English-speakers of the 21st century as the often-maligned MSG. Ikeda thought that his discovery was so special that the taste deserved to be described with a brand new word, a word that a century later has become quite popular among food critics and even graces the signs of a burger chain here in Southern California. Ikeda's word was umami.
How iOS 7's Font Change Looks in the New Beta 3
Jul 08, 9:44PM
iOS 7's switch to the Helvetica Neue Ultra Light typeface was one of the bigger design points for the new OS. But it came with a catch: It looked, in places, pretty bad on non-retina screens. The fix was simple enough. Just change it back to regular weight.
Artist Creates (And Destroys) Drawings From Thousands of Pounds of Salt
Jul 08, 9:33PM
There are plenty of artists who have spent the majority of their careers devoted to a single unlikely medium: For James Turrell, it's light. For El Anatsui, it's soda tabs. But for Motoi Yamamoto, a 47-year-old Japanese artist whose two latest shows recently opened recently at Mint Museum and the Monterey Museum of Art, it's table salt.
A Celestial Lamp Lets You Sleep Under the Stars Without Going Camping
Jul 08, 9:00PM
Just over a year ago we brought you Anna Farkis' 2500 Watt astronomical lampshade, which projects constellations on the ceiling whenever the light is turned on. At the time, it was just a one-off concept—but as we had hoped, the stars have aligned: Today, the lamps are finally available for sale under the new name Starry Lights.
Why Won't the MLB Use This $100, Injury-Preventing Bat?
Jul 08, 8:53PM
For the most part, change in habits comes to sports in waves of inconvenience. You can usually convince players to buy into some radical new tactic if it yields results, but changes that risk sacrificing performance in the name of self-preservation are shut right out. And so it is that baseball players are rejecting a dead-simple solution to a common baseball injury.
The Most Influential Movies of the Last Century According to Wikipedia
Jul 08, 8:40PM
When it comes down to it, what makes a movie "good" is a matter of taste. Even bad movies have their fans. What makes a movie "influential" is a little easier to try and brute force. Especially when you have Wikipedia on your side.
Cree LED Bulb Review: Nobody Needs to Know You've Gone Green
Jul 08, 8:20PM
LED light bulbs have always been a bit like car repairs: they're either good quality or affordable, but very rarely both. And it's all very well and good that these bulbs use a fraction of the electricity as incandescents but dropping $30-$40 on a single bulb—especially when they're so alien looking—keeps many consumers from switching over. But that's where the Cree LED bulb comes in.
Microsoft Actually Considered These Idiotic Names for the Original Xbox
Jul 08, 8:04PM
"Xbox" is a pretty good name for a console, right? Yeah, of course it is. You know what isn't? Literally everything else Microsoft considered before landing on "Xbox".
Government Destroys $170k of Hardware in Absurd Effort to Stop Malware
Jul 08, 7:50PM
This is a story about government incompetence on the grossest, most unforgivable scale. Here's how the Economic Development Administration unnecessarily spent $2.75 million to fight a common case of malware. Warning: much innocent hardware was lost. Yes, even the mice.
The Navy's Advanced Guns System Fires Rocket-Powered Artillery Shells
Jul 08, 7:20PM
The 54-caliber, 5-inch naval artillery shells fired by Arleigh Burke-class destroyers are brutally efficient at destroying surface ships, aircraft, and land targets. But they're little more than pea shooters compared to the 6.1-inch rocket-propelled, GPS-guided shells shot by the new Zumwalt-class' Advanced Guns System.
How Honda Revealed The Government's Top Secret Stealth Bomber First
Jul 08, 7:07PM
The aircraft known in popular culture as the stealth bomber was built with nearly a decade of work, billions of dollars, and total secrecy from the U.S. government. Even the contractors who worked on it didn't always know what it was. So how did a Japanese carmaker reveal it before the Air Force?
The Way Stats Decide Who Gets Organ Transplants Is Flawed
Jul 08, 7:01PM
So your doctor has determined that you need an organ transplant. Now there's some important criteria that will help determine how fast you'll actually receive that transplant. But is the way the data is crunched actually serving patients as well as it can? Not exactly.
50 Of The Best Movies Ever Are Your Blu-ray+Digital Deal Of The Day
Jul 08, 7:00PM
Today you can get yourself an awesome blu-ray collection in one click. Amazon is offering the Best of Warner Bros. 50 Film Collection for $185, which is over $400 off the original retail price, and quite the bargain for 50 amazing films. Even if you managed to get all of these separately for $10/pop, that would have still been 500 bucks. The best part of this deal is definitely that collection includes both the physical blu-rays and digital copies, future-proofing your collection or providing you with a whole lot of gifts for your friends.
This Book Showed '80s Kids the Computerized, War Games War of Tomorrow
Jul 08, 6:39PM
Here in the 21st century, soldiers can be sitting in a room in New Mexico while piloting an unmanned aerial vehicle halfway around the world in Afghanistan. Back in the early 1980s this kind of reach was still largely the stuff of science fiction. But the incredibly rapid development of computing power and satellite communications during this period assured futurists that it would become fact before long.
iOS7 beta release 3 is out today and it fixes some of those pesky beta 2 bugs.
Jul 08, 6:37PM
iOS7 beta release 3 is out today and it fixes some of those pesky beta 2 bugs. It's not perfect yet, but go and check it out if you're into tinkering.
Twitter Just Fixed the Most Annoying Thing About Twitter
Jul 08, 6:26PM
So what's the most annoying thing about using Twitter across multiple devices? I don't know, maybe it's the fact that direct messages don't sync. Well, Twitter is finally addressing that annoyance today by adding in DM sync.
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