Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Jun 04 - New 'Gizmodo' feed email from feed2email.net

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Dragons in Game of Thrones Are Like Nuclear Weapons in the Real World

Jun 04, 12:30AM

Dragons in Game of Thrones Are Like Nuclear Weapons in the Real World

Because we all need a good dose of geopolitics in between sword fights, White Walkers, and boobs, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has a thorough analysis of all the ways dragons are just like nuclear weapons. It's actually a stunningly obvious comparison once you get down to it.


Follow the Parisian Adventures of The Red Balloon

Jun 04, 12:00AM

Follow the Parisian Adventures of The Red Balloon

Look, here is a promise from me to you: There is no more better way to spend 34 minutes of your time tonight than sitting down and (re)watching The Red Balloon.


You really have to be crazy to get in and out of this lighthouse

Jun 03, 11:16PM

You won't believe what these keepers have to do to get in and out this lighthouse in the middle of the sea. It is absolutely terrifying. Really, it defies belief. If you thought that your daily subway commute was hell, watch this video and be grateful.


Future: Move That Dope

Jun 03, 11:00PM

Who knew a song about selling drugs could be so catchy? Lots of musicians apparently. This is one of the single's off Future's latest banger of a record, Honest. It rules, and it also brings a question to mind: how is Pharrell (and that hat of his) everywhere at once?


The Cutting-Edge Tech That Will Finally Bring Desalination to the U.S.

Jun 03, 10:40PM

The Cutting-Edge Tech That Will Finally Bring Desalination to the U.S.

In case you haven't heard, California is screwed. The drought has turned our perennially water-challenged state into a desiccated husk. In these dire times, we look toward desalination, an idea long-promised but never quite delivered in the U.S. But a spate of new technologies—graphene, solar mirrors, and more—could finally make desalination viable for our freshwater needs.


Gawker The Reality of Dating White Women When You're Black | Jalopnik The Ten Craziest Airplane Stun

Jun 03, 10:27PM

Gawker The Reality of Dating White Women When You're Black | Jalopnik The Ten Craziest Airplane Stunts Ever Caught On Video | Jezebel Explainer: Who Is Slender Man and Why Would Two Girls Kill for Him? | Lifehacker The Financial Moves You Should Make in June | Kinja Popular Posts


This GPS-Enabled Bike Bell Rings To Help You Find Your Ride

Jun 03, 10:20PM

This GPS-Enabled Bike Bell Rings To Help You Find Your Ride

There are bike-friendly cities, and then there are places—like Amsterdam—with so many cycles on the street that people lock up at racks in multi-story garages, creating a completely nutso mass of wheels. How the hell are you supposed to find your ride at the end of the day? How about strapping on an innocuous-looking smart bell that tells your phone when you're getting close—and dings aloud to let you know.


Scientists Built a Robot That Lets You Feel Virtual Breasts

Jun 03, 10:00PM

Scientists Built a Robot That Lets You Feel Virtual Breasts

Haptic technology has come a long way in recent years. And at long last, it's finally reached its inevitable conclusion: Boobs.


Could We Build Electricity-Storing Houses Out of Supercapacitors?

Jun 03, 9:40PM

Could We Build Electricity-Storing Houses Out of Supercapacitors?

What's your wall doing right now—holding up your posters? Being leaned against by the bookshelf? What about storing the energy that powers all your kitchen appliances? New research into structural supercapacitors, which can withstand the stress and vibrations of bearing weight, could eventually inspire such an energy-storing house.


This Office Chair Was Built For Two Butts

Jun 03, 9:20PM

This Office Chair Was Built For Two Butts

Sometimes in a professional office environment, you're gonna have to forgo Gchat for a minute and communicate with a colleague in person. So you get up. You wander over. Now what? You could hover awkwardly behind them. You could pull up a chair. Or you could ask them politely to split their seat in half and sit so near that you're definitely going to be gently grazing body parts.


FLYING CAR UPDATE: Just Two More Years, Guys!

Jun 03, 9:04PM

FLYING CAR UPDATE: Just Two More Years, Guys!

A few weeks ago we looked at the broken promises of Terrafugia — a flying car company with a product that's always just two years away . Well, we've got an important update. The company is looking for just $30 million more to get their product off the ground.


You Can Buy an Actual Viking Ship at Denmark's Viking Ship Museum

Jun 03, 9:00PM

You Can Buy an Actual Viking Ship at Denmark's Viking Ship Museum

After touring a museum, what do you think is the best gift shop souvenir to commemorate your visit? A post card? A magnet? The online gift shop for the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde, Denmark, has got something far more appropriate: an actual viking boat to stage your own conquests.


19 Celebrations of Circles

Jun 03, 8:50PM

Circles. They're all around us. Literally. Here are 19 circles spotted by all of you .


Photoshop Contest: Put McDonald's Terrifying New Logo to Better Use

Jun 03, 8:40PM

Photoshop Contest: Put McDonald's Terrifying New Logo to Better Use

McDonald's new mascot is horrifying—that's pretty much a given at this point. But is McDonald's new mascot horrifying enough to be at home in some of the most iconic horror films of all time? Why, yes. Yes he is.


How Leather Is Slowly Killing the People and Places That Make It

Jun 03, 8:23PM

How Leather Is Slowly Killing the People and Places That Make It

Though we may consider ourselves intellectually and technologically superior to our cave-dwelling ancestors, we still adorn our bodies, transports, and homes with the skin of conquered animals. But unlike the wholly organic methods used by our forebears, the modern leather industry is simultaneously killing the local environment and the people that work there with a toxic slurry of chemicals.


Which Browser's Users Are the Most Porn-Crazed?

Jun 03, 8:00PM

Which Browser's Users Are the Most Porn-Crazed?

The influx of smartphones and tablets has meant one thing and one thing alone: Human beings have never had so many ways of consuming pornography. But which browser—Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and more—gets the most action? Fortunately, our friends over at Pornhub had the answer.


These Robotic Sperm Could Change the Way In Vitro Fertilization Works

Jun 03, 7:40PM

These Robotic Sperm Could Change the Way In Vitro Fertilization Works

A team of Dutch engineers just published the details of a curious new invention: tiny robotic sperm that can be controlled with a weak magnetic field. Like real sperm, these so-called MagnetoSperm flip their tails to swim towards their target. Unlike real sperm, they're made of metal-coated polymer.


I just can't believe these bowling trick shots are real

Jun 03, 7:39PM

I just can't believe these bowling trick shots are real

Jason Belmonte is a professional bowling player on the PBA Tour in the United States and other circuits around the world. He's also known for using a rare technique called two handed shovel style, which apparently gives him extra control. This bowling trick shot video shows how amazing he can be.


The NSA Can (Still) Bug Your Phone When It's Powered Off

Jun 03, 7:15PM

The NSA Can (Still) Bug Your Phone When It's Powered Off

Back in 2006 we learned about the FBI's ability to eavesdrop on cellphones, even when they're turned off. And guess what? Edward Snowden reminds us that government agencies can still do just that.


A Few WWDC Takeaways That Didn't Fit Anywhere Else

Jun 03, 7:05PM

A Few WWDC Takeaways That Didn't Fit Anywhere Else

There's a lot to unpack from Apple's WWDC keynote yesterday, and we've been doing plenty of that already . But instead of trying to force a few thousand more words on you about what it all means, it seems more humane to just talk out a few of the bits and pieces that have stuck with us so far.


How a Few Random Sounds Became "I Wanna Get Better" by Bleachers

Jun 03, 7:00PM

With a snippet from a voicemail, a soundbite from a video of his girlfriend, and a few piano notes, Jack Antonoff of Bleachers had the framework of an idea that evolved into the song "I Wanna Get Better." In the video above you see how a few sounds became a full song.


These 3,000-year-old trousers are the oldest in the world

Jun 03, 6:46PM

These 3,000-year-old trousers are the oldest in the world

An international group of archaeologists have found these trousers—worn between 3,000 and 3,300 years ago—in a tomb in western China. The trousers were invented for horse riding by Chinese pastors and are the oldest known examples of this kind of apparel:


Designers Explain Why Apple's New OS X Typeface Is a Strange Choice

Jun 03, 6:40PM

Designers Explain Why Apple's New OS X Typeface Is a Strange Choice

It was one of the more subtle changes showcased during yesterday's WWDC keynote : Apple finally ditched its OS typeface Lucida Grande to use Helvetica Neue across the board. Now, at least the OS and iOS systems match. But is Helvetica—which is basically unreadable at small sizes—really a better choice?


The biggest, most accurate Lego Imperial Star Destroyer ever built

Jun 03, 6:29PM

The biggest, most accurate Lego Imperial Star Destroyer ever built

More than 40,000 bricks. 110 pounds (50 kilograms). 6.62 feet long (2.02 meters). 4.1 feet wide (1.25 meters). 1.9 feet tall (58 centimeters). Eight months of design and building. Those are the stats for the biggest, most accurate Lego Imperial Star Destroyer ever built. It's truly amazing.


Apple Code Hints That Bigger iPhones and iPads Are On The Way

Jun 03, 6:17PM

Apple Code Hints That Bigger iPhones and iPads Are On The Way

Yesterday, Apple pushed out a beta for its latest suite of developer tools, Xcode 6. And inside, there's new functionality that hints at iPads and iPhones of varying screen sizes and resolutions. It's just the latest evidence that new hardware is on the way soon.


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