Sunday, February 02, 2014

Feb 02 - New 'Gizmodo' feed email from

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3 Ways to Chill Your Canned Beverages Before Kickoff

Feb 02, 7:00PM

3 Ways to Chill Your Canned Beverages Before Kickoff

This is a Public Service Announcement: If you have warm beer (or may be receiving warm beer during the game today), you should read this post we originally ran two years ago.



What Magazines Do You Still Subscribe to?

Feb 02, 6:00PM

What Magazines Do You Still Subscribe to?

The internet has all but replaced traditional print media as most people's primary news source, with newspapers and magazines across the country either scrambling to adapt or slowly being crushed by the wheels of technological advancement.



Why You Should Never Listen To Ride of the Valkyries While Driving

Feb 02, 5:00PM

Why You Should Never Listen To Ride of the Valkyries While Driving

Time is a slippery continuum. Watching the hands on a clock tick will feel way, way different depending on the situation; trying to frantically write something on deadline with five minutes to spare ain't the same as desperately willing a conference call to finish more quickly. It turns out that music can have an equally brain-bending effect on how we process the days of our lives.



Which State Will Be Drinking the Most Beer Today?

Feb 02, 4:00PM

Which State Will Be Drinking the Most Beer Today?

Americans have already spent an estimated $1 billion stockpiling beer for today's game. But who's drinking the most? This series of interactive maps by Esri tabulates crucial data for your Super Bowl Sunday, including which cities have hosted the most Super Bowls and where people are most likely to be spending their hard-earned cash on beer.



Be Glad the Super Bowl Is Being Held at MetLife Stadium

Feb 02, 3:00PM

Be Glad the Super Bowl Is Being Held at MetLife Stadium

With only a 10 percent chance of snow and mid-40s temperatures expected at kickoff, Super Bowl Sunday is shaping up to be rather mild, weather-wise at least, compared to the deep freeze that's engulfed the Northeast this winter.



Derelict Factories Get The David Lynch Treatment In These Creepy Photos

Feb 02, 2:00PM

Derelict Factories Get The David Lynch Treatment In These Creepy Photos

David Lynch is a creative dude like no other. The brains behind Twin Peaks and Eraserhead is a proven master at moving pictures, but it turns out he's also into moody still shots.



Listen to the Purring, Electromagnetic Weirdness of Mushrooms

Feb 02, 2:00AM

Listen to the Purring, Electromagnetic Weirdness of Mushrooms

I was blown away when I first heard about a project that tried to tap into the electromagnetic communication potential of mushrooms. Using wires, radio waves, and circuits—not psychedelics—the project's off-kilter quest to find (and listen to) "electromagnetic fungi" was nonetheless more art than science. But who says mushrooms have the right to remain silent?



20 Years Ago Today, Dookie Made Pop-Punk the Sound of the '90s

Feb 02, 1:00AM

February 1st, 1994, was the date of birth for Green Day's Dookie, a 14-track, sub-40-minute bundle of blistering, hook-heavy joy. In the 20 years that it's been blaring from alternative radio stations, Discmans, and warbling car stereos, it helped define the sound of the 1990s, and it's still steering the music we listen to today.



This Map Shows How the Internet Travels Across the World's Oceans

Feb 02, 12:00AM

This Map Shows How the Internet Travels Across the World's Oceans

You may reach the internet via newfangled wireless connection most of the time, but all those ones and zeros cross the oceans the same way old-fashioned telephone connections did: by undersea cables. The map masters at TeleGeography have charted the course the internet takes to cross the seas in 2014, and the result is fascinatingly complex.



Oh Good, This Smartphone Scent Emitter Is Now Available Worldwide

Feb 01, 11:00PM

Oh Good, This Smartphone Scent Emitter Is Now Available Worldwide

What's this? A plug-in loudspeaker? An external flash? A retina scanner? No, it's the utterly bizarre Scentee, an aroma-generating thingamabob that gives your smartphone scent notifications. And, starting today, it's available worldwide. How ever did we live without this?



How Typography Set 2001: A Space Odyssey in the Sci-Fi Future

Feb 01, 10:00PM

How Typography Set 2001: A Space Odyssey in the Sci-Fi Future

Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey is visually stunning. And the closer you examine, the more exquisite details you'll find. That's what Dave Addey has done in his in-depth, scene-by-scene examination of how this cinema masterpiece used typography to create a familiar yet still distant future.



No, Stephen Hawking Did Not Say Black Holes Don't Exist

Feb 01, 9:00PM

No, Stephen Hawking Did Not Say Black Holes Don't Exist

You've probably seen plenty of headlines this week proclaiming "Stephen Hawking Says Black Holes Don't Exist," and heard people who read those headlines chattering excitedly about this seemingly huge shift in astrophysics. But as PopMech wisely points out, that's not an accurate summary of what Hawking actually said.



A football field compared to the International Space Station

Feb 01, 8:09PM

A football field compared to the International Space Station

This graphic by NASA shows the ISS compared to a football field. They're more or less the same size: A football field is 360 by 160 foot. The space station is 356 by 239 feet.



In this week's Tech Reads: robot ethics, training to fly in space, the history of the selfie, and so

Feb 01, 8:00PM

In this week's Tech Reads: robot ethics, training to fly in space, the history of the selfie, and so much more.



Sochi, Sodastream, Snow Woes, and More

Feb 01, 7:00PM

Sochi, Sodastream, Snow Woes, and More

If you didn't spend this week stranded on an icy highway, you spent it reading about people stranded on an icy highway. But there was plenty of other stuff going on, including our review of LG's puzzling curved phone and a troubling look at the incomplete state of Sochi's Olympic facilities. Here's what went on this week.



How to Bet on the Super Bowl Online (Without Getting in Trouble)

Feb 01, 6:05PM

How to Bet on the Super Bowl Online (Without Getting in Trouble)

The legality of online sports betting exists in a sort of shrouded grey fog of possibly questionable behavior. However, there are still plenty of quality offshore operations that are willing to take your bets and pay out your winnings. If you want to know how to bet on sports online—like, say, for the Super Bowl—we'll tell you.



How To Deep Fry Without A Deep Fryer (And Make 5 Super Bowl Treats)

Feb 01, 6:00PM

How To Deep Fry Without A Deep Fryer (And Make 5 Super Bowl Treats)

For a lot of us, just thinking about the Super Bowl elicits a craving for deep-fried goodness. If you're without a dedicated fryer, don't fear. Modernist Cuisine at Home will show you how to achieve the same effect with a handful of conventional kitchen tools you just might have lying around.



Help NASA Find Baby Solar Systems Forming Deep In Our Universe

Feb 01, 5:00PM

Help NASA Find Baby Solar Systems Forming Deep In Our Universe

NASA scientists are poring over their most detailed snapshots of our universe, searching for the hallmark shapes that indicate a planet being formed. And you can help them, even if you never got that Ph.D. in astronomy, just by hopping on the Disk Detective website.



Why the FCC Can Save Net Neutrality

Feb 01, 4:00PM

Why the FCC Can Save Net Neutrality

The Electronic Frontier Foundation's recent post on Net Neutrality started off well. It rightly noted that "[v]iolations of network neutrality are a real and serious problem: in recent years we have seen dozens of ISPs in the U.S. and around the world interfere with and discriminate against traffic on their networks."



Watch Fermilab's Astoundingly Massive Neutrino Detector Being Built

Feb 01, 3:00PM

The Department of Energy's Fermilab is building a gargantuan detector to examine uncharged subatomic neutrinos that can blast through the earth unimpeded. The 14,000-ton detector in Minnesota will capture neutrinos shot from a cannon over 500 miles away. Watch how they build a huge catcher's mitt for subatomic particles.



The Pebble smartwatch is getting an app store, set to go live on Monday at 1PM EST.

Feb 01, 2:30PM

The Pebble smartwatch is getting an app store, set to go live on Monday at 1PM EST. The timing coincides nicely with the debut of Pebble Steel, which began shipping on January 28th. [Pebble via Slashgear]



How To Turn the Settlers Of Catan Board Into a Globe

Feb 01, 2:00PM

How To Turn the Settlers Of Catan Board Into a Globe

If you've played every expansion available, and have mixed up the rules six ways from Sunday, but are still finding yourself bored of The Settlers of Catan, here's a hail mary pass that might just make it interesting again. It involves turning the game's 2D board into a 3D sphere that Instructables user PenfoldPlant calls the Catanosphere.



The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Volans

Feb 01, 5:00AM

And this is your brain on LSD, it's a good thing.



Impressive 3D brain scan shows every neuron connection in a brain

Feb 01, 3:30AM

Impressive 3D brain scan shows every neuron connection in a brain

If you look at the wires behind your entertainment console, you're going to see different colors tangled up with different things leading to different places you forgot existed. It's an awful ugly mess. Seeing the brain is like that, only the opposite because in its chaos is beauty. Just look at the 3D brain scan above that shows every synapse, it's like a 3D Jackson Pollock painting.



How to crush a soda can without using any physical force

Feb 01, 2:45AM

How to crush a soda can without using any physical force

Crushing cans with your bare hands or stepping on them with your full body weight or shooting them with a bb gun are all fun ways to destroy an aluminum can. What might be most fun is letting it crush itself. How? Magical pressure.



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