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We're Being Overprotective of Mars
Dec 11, 4:32PM
Mars is a big boy. At 4.5 billion years old, the Red Planet can surely take care of itself by now—but you wouldn't know it based on the great lengths NASA and friends go to protect it from contamination by Earthly debris. Some astrobiologists think these measures are unnecessary.
What the World Would Look Like If You Could See Cell Phone Signals
Dec 11, 4:03PM
There are thousands of invisible signals bouncing around us all the time, and the world would be a very different place if we could seem them. Visualizer extraordinaire Nickolay Lamm already showed us what the Wi-Fi noise would look like, and now he's back to illuminate the cell phone signals all around us. It's trippy.
Why Cold Weather Makes Your Water Pipes Burst
Dec 11, 4:00PM
We're currently experiencing colder-than-seasonal weather here in Seattle. This is causing a lot of problems with burst water pipes. Here is a picture of a couple of issues suffered by a friend of mine Ian.
You've Been Wrapping Your MacBook Charger Wrong This Whole Time
Dec 11, 3:34PM
Did you know there's a right and a wrong way to wrap your MacBook charger? Curl it up in a ball, and eventually it'll break. But wrap it like you see in the picture above, and it's going to last a whole lot longer.
You Can Listen to Spotify (Including LED ZEPPELIN) For Free on Your Phone Now
Dec 11, 3:14PM
Spotify is getting an ad-supported mobile version—previously, you had to be a paying subscriber to get mobile access to the service from your iOS or Android phone. Oh, and you're going to get Led Zeppelin! Yes! Finally! Both the new product, and Zeppelin will be available today.
This Norwegian Road Tunnel Exists Solely to Set Fire to Things
Dec 11, 2:42PM
The Runehamar Tunnel on the west coast of Norway is a piece of disused underground road infrastructure that has found an unexpected second life through its new and bizarre purpose: it now exists solely as a place for setting fire to things.
First skyscraper created to generate its own power will be done in 2020
Dec 11, 2:41PM
Pertamina—Indonesia's state-owned oil and gas corporation—will have a new headquarters in Jakarta in 2020. One that looks like a smooth spaceship about to take off and generates electricity thanks to its design, created by American architects Skidmore, Owings & Merrill.
22 Awesome Science & Infrastructure Webcams From Around the World
Dec 11, 2:00PM
How many webcams are there in the world? I have no idea. Millions upon millions. But the problem is that 99.99% of them are dull and boring, like watching concrete dry. (Although, perhaps, the very inner essence of webcams is to be repetitious and dull.) But take a look at the collection we've put together here: these boring webcams are actually amazing in another way.
Deadspin Derek Jeter Revived A Dying Man With His Handsome Face | io9 This is what love looks like i
Dec 11, 1:45PM
Deadspin Derek Jeter Revived A Dying Man With His Handsome Face | io9 This is what love looks like in the future | Kotaku Jon Stewart Claims Responsibility for Perverted Anime | Lifehacker 3 Questions to Ask at Dinner to Make Your Family Stronger | Paleofuture People Didn't Trust the Internet Before There Even Was One
Rumor: Led Zeppelin Will Be on Spotify Later Today
Dec 11, 1:31PM
Having previously refused to appear on streaming services, rock legends Led Zeppelin are rumoured to be making their catalog exclusively available for streaming through Spotify later today.
Can Bad Weather Actually Cause Joint Ache?
Dec 11, 1:00PM
You might have heard grandma or grandpa predicting a storm because they "could feel it in their bones" and when a storm hit you probably thought they'd been watching the weather channel. Turns out, their joints *probably* do get a little achy when it's about to rain.
This Is What It's Like to See the World as an Animal
Dec 11, 12:30PM
If you've ever wondered how animals view the world, this video should satisfy your curiosity. It shows how five different animals—cats, dogs, rats, hawks and bees—see the world.
Apple Patents Oculus Rift-Style Headset
Dec 11, 11:45AM
If you're a hardcore gamer, you'll already know that the real next-gen gaming revolution is virtual reality, spearheaded by the Oculus Rift. It seems that Apple has been taking notes, with a freshly-uncovered patent revealing sketches of a potential Apple-branded head-mounted display.
Google's Play Books now lets you upload any e-book you, ahem, happen to have on any of your Android
Dec 11, 11:20AM
Google's Play Books now lets you upload any e-book you, ahem, happen to have on any of your Android devices to your central repository. Neat.
A Newly Discovered Greenhouse Gas Is 7,000 Times More Potent Than CO2
Dec 11, 11:00AM
Move over carbon dioxide: scientists have discovered a new greenhouse gas, and it's 7,000 times more powerful than CO2 in its effects of warming the Earth.
AT&T: We Can't Keep Subsidizing Your Phones
Dec 11, 10:20AM
The big carriers have long subsidized phones to lure customers in. But that could all be coming to an end, if AT&T's chief is to be believed.
The Fascinating Truth About Sphincters
Dec 11, 9:30AM
The word sphincter conjures one very distinct image in our heads. But did you know there are actually about 5o different types of sphincter throughout our body?
The NSA Reads Your Google Cookies to See if It Should Hack You
Dec 11, 8:45AM
The Washington Post is reporting that the NSA has a simple way to work out if you're worth hacking or not: it just reads your Google cookies.
Don't panic, torrenters: following a domain name seizure, The Pirate Bay has simply moved to thepir
Dec 11, 8:20AM
Don't panic, torrenters: following a domain name seizure, The Pirate Bay has simply moved to (that's the Ascension Island's, if you're interested).
Here Are the Most Popular YouTube Videos of 2013
Dec 11, 8:01AM
Surprise, humans spent a lot of time watching YouTube in 2013. And that time wasn't spread equally among all videos. Nay, some videos got more than their fair share of eyeballs. Here are the most popular YouTube videos (and music videos) of 2013, for your viewing pleasure.
Here Are the Most Popular YouTube Videos of 2013
Dec 11, 8:01AM
Surprise, humans spent a lot of time watching YouTube in 2013. And that time wasn't spread equally among all videos. Nay, some videos got more than their fair share of eyeballs. Here are the most popular YouTube videos (and music videos) of 2013, for your viewing pleasure.
Here Are the Most Popular YouTube Videos of 2013
Dec 11, 8:01AM
Surprise, humans spent a lot of time watching YouTube in 2013. And that time wasn't spread equally among all videos. Nay, some videos got more than their fair share of eyeballs. Here are the most popular YouTube videos (and music videos) of 2013, for your viewing pleasure.
Here Are the Most Popular YouTube Videos of 2013
Dec 11, 8:01AM
Surprise, humans spent a lot of time watching YouTube in 2013. And that time wasn't spread equally among all videos. Nay, some videos got more than their fair share of eyeballs. Here are the most popular YouTube videos (and music videos) of 2013, for your viewing pleasure.
Here Are the Most Popular YouTube Videos of 2013
Dec 11, 8:01AM
Surprise, humans spent a lot of time watching YouTube in 2013. And that time wasn't spread equally among all videos. Nay, some videos got more than their fair share of eyeballs. Here are the most popular YouTube videos (and music videos) of 2013, for your viewing pleasure.
Bill Nye tells President Obama why we must boost planetary exploration
Dec 11, 5:00AM
Listen to Bill Nye's letter to the President of the United States asking for $1.5 billion to support planetary exploration. He gives three excellent reasons.
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