Saturday, November 02, 2013

Nov 02 - New 'Gizmodo' feed email from

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Our Favorite E-Reader, Fitness Tracker, Mirrorless Camera, Mini Tablet

Nov 02, 2:10PM

Our Favorite E-Reader, Fitness Tracker, Mirrorless Camera, Mini Tablet

Autumn is the best season for tech lovers. As the leaves fall off the trees, great new gadgets fall from the sky. We raked through the pile of new gadgets that came out in October. Here are our favorites.



Motorola says Android 4.4 Kit Kat is coming.

Nov 02, 1:26PM

Motorola says Android 4.4 Kit Kat is coming. If you've got a Moto X on any carrier, or a Verizon-serviced Droid Ultra, Maxx or Mini, the company says you'll get the newest Android OS soon. [Motorola via The Verge]



Those iOS 7 Icons Zoom At You Doing 20 Miles Per Hour

Nov 02, 1:00PM

Those iOS 7 Icons Zoom At You Doing 20 Miles Per Hour

When iOS 7 came out, the animations were the first thing everyone noticed. Some people even claimed they got seasick watching their phones. Now we know why: those flat, pastel-colored cards can hit nearly 17 miles per hour as they zip toward your face.



Astronauts took the Soyuz for a fun little fly around the ISS

Nov 02, 4:59AM

Astronauts took the Soyuz for a fun little fly around the ISS

In a planned mission, three ISS crew members took their Soyuz out for a ride around the ISS. Why? Did they want to show Sandra Bullock's character in Gravity how it's really done? Not exactly. Instead, it's actually the astronaut equivalent of moving your car out of a parking space so your roommate can park his. Only we're dealing with Soyuz spacecrafts as cars. And the ISS as your apartment. And oh yeah, space.



The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Mooon

Nov 02, 4:00AM

"Everything in the Universe is a little bit sticky," explains Spacebaby, the protagonist of this intriguing stop motion short by James Kwan. Spacebaby, you see, is on a quest to find his friend, Mr. Moon, but instead stumbles across something far beyond his scope of reality. What in the world is it?



A map showing which countries owns the most guns

Nov 02, 2:53AM

A map showing which countries owns the most guns

Quick what does the United States have in common with Serbia and Yemen? No, not just that they all have the vowel E in them. No, not because they start with letters in the second half of the alphabet. And no, not nothing either. According to popular estimates, the US, Serbia and Yemen make up the top 3 in countries of the world that have the most guns per 100 people. We're number one, unsurprisingly.



Seeing the empty rooms of cam girls is completely sobering

Nov 02, 1:15AM

Seeing the empty rooms of cam girls is completely sobering

In the transaction of receiving real-time titillation via pixels over the Internet, it's easy to forget how complicated some situations can be. Sure, there are gobs of money and endless credit card numbers being punched through but sometimes it's just a prettier version of indentured servitude.



1,250 LEDs Shimmer On the Surface of This Abandoned Oil Tank

Nov 02, 12:00AM

1,250 LEDs Shimmer On the Surface of This Abandoned Oil Tank

The shift in season reminded me of this cool old project in cold Helsinki, where a team of designers turned an abandoned oil tank into a lovely, year-round public art project.



Now Available: iPad Air, Nest Protect, Lenovo Yoga Tablet

Nov 01, 11:40PM

Now Available: iPad Air, Nest Protect, Lenovo Yoga Tablet

Another week done, another bunch of gadgets to ogle. Today's big news was the iPad Air, but that's not the only gizmo game in town. Here's what you can get your grubby, sticky-from-Halloween-candy hands on.



A Mountain Range of Shelves Turns This Kids' Library Into a Playground

Nov 01, 11:20PM

A Mountain Range of Shelves Turns This Kids' Library Into a Playground

Learning to read is a massive adventure in itself, but discovering the library—a magical place where the stories are plentiful and the books are free—is downright mind-blowing. In an effort to match the fun between the pages, the Mexican branding studio Anagrama transformed the interior of a local heritage site into Niños Conarte, a geometric mountain range of literature.



Future Fashion From the 1939 World's Fair Looked Really Uncomfortable

Nov 01, 10:58PM

Future Fashion From the 1939 World's Fair Looked Really Uncomfortable

The Atlantic just published a gorgeous collection of images from the 1939 New York World's Fair, including the photo above, which is brand new to this retro-future bloggist. It all looks pretty standard — except for the outfits.



South African designers Warren Lewis and (the somewhat extraordinarily named) Porky Hefer have come

Nov 01, 10:30PM

South African designers Warren Lewis and (the somewhat extraordinarily named) Porky Hefer have come up with Birdwatcher, a bird house in the form of a CCTV camera that will feed the local birds and help you scare burglars away.



Our Favorite Android, iOS and Windows Phone Apps of the Week

Nov 01, 10:00PM

Long week, huh? Probably because of all the Halloween hoopla, which seems to have started last weekend and probably won't let up til Sunday. If you're a grown-ass adult sick of all this pumpkin pandemonium, check out these apps while you pointedly opt out of yet another dumb Halloween party. Ya big grump.



The Latest Weapon Against Terrorists: Sewage-Sniffing Bomb Sensors

Nov 01, 10:00PM

The Latest Weapon Against Terrorists: Sewage-Sniffing Bomb SensorsBad guys can't just close their window shades to hide from the law anymore. A European research group has developed a high-tech way to detect bomb makers and illegal drug labs—by sniffing what they flush down the toilet.



Possibly the Comfiest Nutcracker You'll Ever Use

Nov 01, 9:40PM

Possibly the Comfiest Nutcracker You'll Ever Use

Halloween's come and gone, and as we move towards the holidays, those dwindling bowls of candy will soon be replaced with overflowing mountains of nuts—necessitating some way to bust open those hard shells. A hammer's a little brutish, and using your teeth is just a terrible idea. What you need is this lovely purpose-built nutcracker from Normann Copenhagen, featuring a thick silicone handle so you don't destroy your hands in the process.



Sriracha, Shade, and Other Cities: What's Ruining Our Cities This Week

Nov 01, 9:21PM

Sriracha, Shade, and Other Cities: What's Ruining Our Cities This Week

It's time for another edition of What's Ruining Our Cities! This week: a factory that pepper-sprays its neighborhood, Canada's favorite crack-smoking mayor, dreary urban shadows, and rural towns banding together to secede from their big-city brethren.



Gawker Frat Blames Blacks for Making Racially Insensitive Party About Race | Jezebel Haunted House A

Nov 01, 9:12PM

Gawker Frat Blames Blacks for Making Racially Insensitive Party About Race | Jezebel Haunted House Attraction Includes Being Touched by a Man in Underwear | Kotaku The 12 Best Games for the iPad | Lifehacker The Scientifically Best Time to Drink Your Coffee



Who Actually Owns Your Favorite Beers

Nov 01, 9:09PM

Who Actually Owns Your Favorite Beers

Thirsty? Nothing like an ice cold Leinenkugel or a Goose Island. Infinitely better than that watered-down Natty Light or, worse, Keystone.... right? You might cherish your small-batch brewery buzz, but the truth of the matter is that you probably have no idea just how big the people backing your beer actually are. Here's a breakdown of some of the biggest brews actual origins.



Is Nikon About to Release a New Small Full-Frame Camera to Rival Sony?

Nov 01, 8:50PM

Nikon has been teasing the photography world lately with a series of seductive videos that hint at some amazing cool camera on the horizon. Will this thing actually be what people expect, and can it rival the recent Sony powerhouses?



It's Finally Safe to Make Your Friends Use Twitter

Nov 01, 8:40PM

It's Finally Safe to Make Your Friends Use Twitter

The Twitterscape has evolved steadily in the last five years, but maybe never more significantly than in the last week. With the addition of photo/video previews and inline interactions nestled directly into the tweets themselves, it's a whole other playing field—one your Twitter-phobic friends will actually like. Here's how to ease them in.



Should This Historic Architectural Icon Be Razed?

Nov 01, 8:20PM

Even in a city famed for the sheer scope of its award-winning architecture, the old Prentice Women's Hospital building in downtown Chicago stands out, thanks to its sculptural, futuristic facade. But soon, Prentice might not be standing at all—if Northwestern University has its way.



Let's Talk About Whatever You Want Right Now

Nov 01, 7:51PM

Let's Talk About Whatever You Want Right Now

Hello friends! So the original headline for this post was, let's talk about your halloween costume and how you ate too many Milk Duds last night. We can talk about that, but we can also talk about anything your heart desires. And today, my heart desires a Google Nexus 5. What's on your mind?



Watch a Designer Turn Soda Cans Into Stools on a São Paulo Street

Nov 01, 7:40PM

Watch a Designer Turn Soda Cans Into Stools on a São Paulo Street

It's one thing to make a product using aluminum or plastic recycled at a plant. But recycling cans into chairs—on the same street they were found—is something else. That's exactly what the resourceful designers at Studio Swine did on a recent trip to São Paulo.



This Week in Time Capsules: Do You Even Lift?

Nov 01, 7:39PM

This Week in Time Capsules: Do You Even Lift?

This week in our time capsule news round-up we have an iPhone in Florida ready to make a 110-year journey, a water-themed time capsule in L.A. that hopefully won't be a huge disappointment, and a peculiar hodgepodge of stuff in San Antonio from 1986 — including a Chili's menu and a weightlifting trophy.



Watching pee in super-slow motion is surprisingly fascinating

Nov 01, 7:18PM

Watching pee in super-slow motion is surprisingly fascinating

I just can't stop looking at how the drops carve the water, one after the other, making a hole in it. The experiment was captured by the Brigham Young University's Splash Lab. Here's their description of what's happening:



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