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The Iconic Eames Molded Chair Is Being Made with Fiberglass Again
May 21, 5:00AM
This is awesome. Herman Miller has announced that it will start making the iconic Eames Molded Chair in fiberglass... again. The fiberglass chairs were discontinued from production in 1989 and ever since then, the iconic chairs that decorate modern houses have been made with recyclable polypropylene. But now we're getting back to the good stuff.

The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Wandering
May 21, 4:00AM
This awesome 8-bit retro music video from Joe Presser is a classic tale of love: boy meets girl, boy runs away from girl, girl undergoes grueling training regimen to hunt down boy and deliver smooches. It's like Forrest Gump but in reverse.

This Guy Built the Most Incredible Spider-Man Suit Ever
May 21, 3:39AM
Though building out the armor required for an Iron Man suit is obviously (some would say imposingly) impressive, re-creating the detailed webbing and lithe nature of Spider-Man's suit is just as incredible a feat. MoonSpider shared the Spider-Man suit he made and it puts all Halloween Spidey costumes to shame.

This Insane Highway Demolition Is the Longest Ever in China
May 21, 2:39AM
Given the fevered pace of China's infrastructure development, 16 years is ancient. That's why the two-lane concrete Zhuan-yang viaduct running through the town of Wuhan, Hubei in central China had to go—a bigger and better six-lane freeway was in the works. But to demolish the original roadway without harming the surrounding homes, engineers smothered the blast under a blanket.

A Former Subway Worker Made a Breakthrough Discovery in Math
May 21, 1:37AM
A completely unknown guy in the world of math has made a breakthrough discovery that will help us understand numbers better. Basically, a guy who once struggled to find a job and had to work at Subway, is helping math geniuses understand the twin prime conjecture, one of math's oldest problems.

A Congressional investigation found that Apple has avoided BILLIONS in taxes.
May 21, 12:40AM
A Congressional investigation found that Apple has avoided BILLIONS in taxes. Senator John McCain said, "Apple claims to be the largest U.S. corporate taxpayer, but by sheer size and scale, it is also among America's largest tax avoiders." [NY Times]

Social Networks Make You Feel Like You're Missing Everything
May 21, 12:16AM
In theory, social networks are supposed to make you feel closer to everybody. Oh, look! Jim is driving a tractor on Instagram. Wow, Sarah just invited me to her baby shower on Facebook. But the truth is, social networks do a really good job at making you feel left out too. Wait... why did my friends all check-in at the same spot on Foursquare? How come these drunken Instagram pictures look so fun? WTF, Thanks for the invite!

Shanzhai Biennial: Dark Optimism
May 20, 11:00PM
This song, like the dress and the woman wearing it, is the sincerest form of flattery. In that they're all shameless knockoffs.

New Flickr Walkthrough: So Pretty, So Much, So Free
May 20, 10:50PM
After languishing for years as a neglected acquisition, Flickr has finally been given the jumpstart it so desperately needed and deserved. As of right now, not only to you get a free terabyte of storage and extremely high res photo uploads, you get it in pretty stellar package. Here's what you're dealing with.

Watch Chris Hadfield MacGyver Up a Game of Space Darts
May 20, 10:39PM
You thought Chris Hadfield turned his back on us when he left the ISS earlier this month, didn't you? For shame, internet patron, for shame. Hadfield may be safely back on Earth, but the otherworldly videos continue to surface. And in this one, you get to see him make himself a game of darts MacGyver style. In zero gravity. On a spaceship. Because he is Chris Hadfield, and he can do anything.

Limelight: Share Your Carefully Crafted Movie Collection With the World
May 20, 10:00PM
Nearly everyone and their grandmother has at least some sort of streaming service at their fingertips—or at the very least, they have a streaming service that someone is letting them mooch off of. But despite the prominence of Netflix, Hulu, and the like, there's still a good number of cinephiles out there who still love buying actual, physical copies of their beloved films. To somewhat keep up with the streaming masses, Limelight lets you access and share your catalogue of physical movies with the digital world.

Tokyo Has Never Sounded This Incredible
May 20, 9:40PM
What do you get when you combine a 1:1000-scale model of Tokyo, 3D video projection mapping and catchy techno riffs? Three minutes of awesome, that's what.

Watch Leap Motion Turn a Windows 8 Rig Into a Futuristic Dream Machine
May 20, 9:35PM
We've already seen what the Leap Motion can do in apps that support it, but it stands to make your everyday OS-level boredom into a futuristic gesture-controlled wonderland too. This new video shows exactly what kind of applications you can look forward to on your Windows 8 machine, at it seems at least as cool as touch.

Deadspin We Have No Idea Why Kobe Bryant's Wife Posted This To Instagram | Jezebel We Are a Nation o
May 20, 9:34PM
Deadspin We Have No Idea Why Kobe Bryant's Wife Posted This To Instagram | Jezebel We Are a Nation of Unkempt, Bedraggled Slobs, and We Look Like Crap | Lifehacker Get Great Deals at the Amazon Outlet Store You Never Knew Existed | Gizmodo The Newest 3D-Printed Gun Is Far More Dangerous For Much Cheaper

Flickr's Massive Redesign: Full-Res Photos, a Terabyte of Free Storage
May 20, 9:21PM
Sure, Yahoo just about killed Flickr, but today it's trying to restore its former glory. Just after the company this morning announced its $1.1 billion dollar acquisition of Tumblr, it showed off a completely redesigned version of Flickr with giant photos and more storage than you probably even need.

The Favorite Boozy Beverage of Classic Movie Characters, In One Chart
May 20, 9:00PM
The Big Lebowski's The Dude? White Russians. Silence of the Lambs' Hannibal Lecter? Chianti. This awesome cocktail chart maps the drinks of choice for characters in classic books and movies.

First Footage of an F-35B Taking Off Straight Into the Air
May 20, 8:53PM
Finding a suitable runway to launch your multibillion dollar fighter jet from isn't always as easy as it sounds. That's why the F-35B Lightning II is designed to with the ability to both take off and land without ever needing to taxi. Here's the first look at its vertical launch.

That Time American School Kids Were Given Dog Tags Because Nukes
May 20, 8:20PM
In the early 1950s cities across the U.S. spent hundreds of thousands of dollars outfitting their children with military-style dog tags. Why were we giving kids something that's usually reserved for people at risk of dying horrifically in the line of duty? Because in the era of duck and cover, kids were on the front lines.

Star Trek Into Darkness: The Spoiler FAQ
May 20, 8:08PM
After making a mere $84 million at the U.S. box office, Star Trek Into Darkness is considered by some to be a disappointment. Perhaps the problem is that it was a touch confusing. To help our readers better understand it, we've complied and answered these Frequently Asked Questions about the movie.

The 5 Types of Ax Everyone Should Know
May 20, 8:00PM
The forest isn't just going to lay down and stack itself into timber piles because you asked nicely. You'll need to fell, chop, and hew it into submission. Here are the tools to do it.

The Newest 3D-Printed Gun Is Far More Dangerous For Much Cheaper
May 20, 7:37PM
After the stir several weeks ago, buzz surrounding Defense Distributed's 3D-printed gun has begun to (somewhat) die down. This is probably due in part to Kim Dotcom's removal of the gun's blueprint from Mega and the fact that, frankly, the gun itself isn't much of an immediate threat. But as one potential threat dissipates, just like clockwork, a new one has appeared on the horizon. And any fear creeping up on you with this newest incarnation of the 3D-printed gun might actually be warranted.

AT&T Is Finally Going to Let Everyone Video Chat Over Data
May 20, 7:02PM
AT&T has caught a lot of flak for being excruciatingly picky about what apps can do video chat over data on what kind of plans. It's been equal parts annoying and confusing for everyone involved. But now, the carrier is about to simplify it by letting everyone do everything by the end of this year. Finally.

What's Yahoo Announcing at Its Event Tonight?
May 20, 7:01PM
This morning Yahoo announced it bought Tumblr for $1.1 billion, along with a GIF and a promise "not to screw it up." The Mayer-ship is hosting a "product-related" event in New York City tonight. We'll be there covering it live. But just what's the company talking about? Here's what we've heard so far:

Legally Streaming NFL Games for $100 Is Your Deal of the Day
May 20, 7:00PM
If you've cut the cable cord, you've probably found that live sports are the hardest type of content to replace. Normally you have to be a DirectTV subscriber to stream NFL games on your laptop or phone, but there's a very interesting Madden 25 bundle currently on Amazon that'll get you access.

How Telemedicine Has Already Surpassed Our Earliest Predictions
May 20, 6:33PM
Today, remotely operated robot doctors are zipping around intensive care units while smartphone apps beam vital signs from ambulance to hospital. Telemedicine is the wave of the future, but you might be surprised to learn that it has been for nearly a century.

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