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Streetlight Manifesto: Ungrateful
May 19, 1:00AM
Streetlight Manifesto's new record, The Hands That Thieve, is an instant classic in the ever-shrinking world of really stellar ska music simply by virtue of being a Streetlight Manifesto album. But what "Ungrateful" brings to the table is something a little subtler; it's a great Catch 22 song.

One of the Basic Math Rules You Learned In School Is Wrong
May 18, 11:30PM
There are probably a lot of things you learned in school that you don't even remember, but the "order of operations"—also known as PEMDAS—is likely to be one that stuck with you; you'll mess up even simple equations without it. The catch? Well, it's wrong.

Ex-Valve Engineers' Crazy AR Glasses Put Tiny Projectors On Your Face
May 18, 10:28PM
Want some more tech to put on your face? Neither full-on goggles like the Oculus Rift nor slender no-AR-yet specs like Google's Glass, CastAR takes a whole different approach to modified-reality tech by slapping tiny projectors on your face, and The Verge got to take a peek.

This 18-Year-Old's Invention Could Make Your Future Phone Instacharge
May 18, 8:58PM
While you are hanging out on the Internet (in your underwear, maybe?) on a Saturday, kids that are smarter than either you or I are out there getting ready to change the world. 18-year-old Eesha Khare (left), for instance, not only invented a supercapacitor that could someday be a phone battery that charges in just a couple of seconds; she also won $50,000 for it.

Watch Ridley Scott's Aliens Animated in Just 60 Seconds
May 18, 7:30PM
Who has time to watch a whole movie anymore? It's summer! So in the spirit of phoning in everything once the temperature rises above 70-ish, here's Ridley Scott's Aliens in 60 seconds of adorable animation. Brought to you, of course, by the fine folks who did Star Wars Episode IV, Back to the Future, and The Matrix. Not bad for a human. [YouTube]

Google Hangouts Has a Weird, Fun Multi-Cam Trick
May 18, 7:00PM
So, Google's new Hangouts app keeps all of your chats in sync across all of your devices. Cool, right? But what if you're in a video call on your phone, and then open the same video call on your computer. Boop! Suddenly there's two of you, as I just discovered when chatting with my friend Bay.

Someone Animated Patton Oswalt's Epic Star Wars/Avengers Mashup Rant
May 18, 6:46PM
Not too long ago, Patton Oswalt riffed on his idea for a great plot for the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII film on Parks and Recreation. Now, it's got a whole bunch of..."digital effects" that turn it into the film we all deserve. It's alright JJ, we've got this one on lock. But thanks for throwing your hat in the ring! [iZacLess via Patton Oswalt]

How Much the Starship Enterprise Costs, Google I/O Goodies, And More
May 18, 6:00PM
It's been a big, big week. Google I/O hit this week, bringing along a whole bunch of Android updates, if not a new version or any actual hardware. And aside from all that jazz, we've got an ode to Chris Hadfield, (a wild guess at) how much it would cost to build the starship Enterprise, why 3D-printing is overrated, the best streaming radio service, why your ears pop on an airplane and more.

Watch This Badass Pilot Save the Day With a Ballsy No-Wheel Landing
May 18, 5:07PM
Last night, the pilot of US Airways Express Flight 4560 was having some bad luck. The landing gear on his turboprop twin-engine plane just wouldn't go all the way down. So with some quick thinking and righteous piloting skills, he went in for a wheelless, sparky touchdown, and pulled it off without a hitch.

Share Your Rare Music Collection with the Internet
May 18, 4:00PM
Sometimes, you love a song and it's not on the web. That's just not right, because the three or so generations alive today are largely responsible for making sure that all the important and interesting stuff (and not just cat videos) make it onto the Internet.

This Table Designs Itself With a Corrosive Chemical Dance Party
May 18, 3:15PM
There are all kinds of ways to design a table, but most of them don't include resonant frequencies or specially-designed abrasive enzymes, much less both. Bonus Table 571 isn't most tables though, and that's exactly how it gets its very specific pattern.

The World's Fastest Wi-Fi Puts Your Sluggish Router to Shame
May 18, 2:13PM
For the most part, we're all happy if we can get Internet that's fast enough to stream some HD video. But faster is always better, and a new, world-record setting network developed in Germany is so blazing fast you wouldn't know what to do with it. It can deliver multiple HD films in a second.

Start Your Day Right With a Daft Punk Laser Bubble Rave
May 18, 1:06PM
Lasers, bubbles, edge-tracking, and Daft Punk are all pretty awesome in their own separate ways, but put together, they can put one one hell of a useless, random, but awesome show.

The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Two Colors, Three Dimensions
May 18, 4:00AM
Mixing surreal anaglyphic animation and a haunting soundtrack, this stunning short by Stephen Chan is cool enough to watch even without the glasses. Of course if you want the full effect but don't have access to pair, just blink your eyes alternately real fast. That might work.

Iowa Farms Can't Seem to Keep Their Pig Shit from Exploding
May 18, 3:00AM
Pig farming is tough, foul-smelling, and dirty work. Turns out, that's the good part of it. See, since 2009 the American hog farming industry has been struck with an explosive pork poop problem—in that the decomposing porcine waste will go boom under the right conditions.

This Week's Top Comedy Video: Vine Tries to Make a Vine Ad in Vine
May 18, 2:00AM
Vine might be the communication tool of the future, but it's not without its limitations. Not the least of which is how impossible it is to describe Vine in a Vine-length blurb. Irony, thou art cruel!

NASA Designs the Scientifically Perfect Space Meal
May 18, 1:00AM
After being strapped onto the front of a 15-story controlled explosion and launched clear out of the atmosphere to live in an experimental laboratory orbiting around the Earth at thousands of miles an hour, the least NASA can do is give you a good meal.

Energizer 180W Cup Inverter: Juice Your Gadgets on the Go
May 18, 12:00AM
It's been a brutal week at work, you've spent what? Maybe 15 seconds of it without your phone on your ear and your computer on your lap? At this point, your electronics are just as drained as your are. Give them a jump start on your drive home with this 180W car charger.

Most Beautiful Items: May 11 - May 17, 2013
May 17, 11:20PM
Another week on the books means another week's worth of beautiful items. From structures made out of salt to Venice's beautiful beachfront facades, here are some of our favorite architecture and design posts from the past seven days.

How to Make Your Own Anti-Venom without Poisoning a Horse
May 17, 11:00PM
The Iocane Powder trick really does work! As this slick educational short from the SciShow explains, you've got two choices when it comes to treating deadly, deadly snake bites: you can either hopefully make it to a hospital in time to counter the toxins with dozens of expensive vials of delicate anti-venom, or you can slowly inoculate yourself against their effects—effectively turning yourself into a poison-immune mobile anti-venom factory. Where do I sign up? [SciShow]

Google Play Music, Hangouts, Kicksend, and More
May 17, 10:00PM
What with Google I/O being this week, there are naturally some wonderful additions to Android's app family from the mothership herself. But that doesn't mean third party developers have just been sitting around twiddling their thumbs—this week's set of apps has offerings from everyone.

Festival Ready, Beer Hunt, and More
May 17, 10:00PM
The summer season is just about to be upon us, and this week came bearing a whole slew of apps ready to make sure you're having maximum fun while maintaining maximum responsibility. We hope.

EyePaint, WWF Together, and More
May 17, 10:00PM
It's been a long week, and you deserve a break. Fortunately, this week's set of apps for iPad are full of fun and relaxation, and there's even app ready to do the work for you. Lucky you.

A Tour Through the US Army's Largest Simulated Battlefield
May 17, 9:40PM
How does the Army train soldiers for guerrilla combat in cities and villages they've never visited? By building replicas of those villages, training a force of fake "insurgents," and hiring actors to populate the scenes. Welcome to Fort Irwin, a 1,000-square mile Army Base where many soldiers train before deploying overseas.

This Silicone Cylinder Is an Acceptable Adult Piggy Bank
May 17, 9:20PM
Most of us have a spot for our spare change, whether it's a glass or a jar or the space in between your couch cushions. These rubber banks, designed by the Hong Kong collective Praxis, are just as practical and a lot more refined.

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