Thursday, April 11, 2013

Apr 11 - New 'Gizmodo' feed email from

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The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: This Is J03

Apr 12, 4:00AM

Like a modern-day Dante traversing the pits of Hell before ascending into Paradise, J03 is a man far out of his depth and just looking for the road home. Well, not so much a man as an 8-bit robot trapped in the digital revolution. Check out this cool live action/3D animated short by Once Were Farmers and The Gate Films. More »

Night Wakeboarding with Light Boards Paints Gorgeously Mesmerizing Pictures

Apr 12, 3:30AM

This is incredible. Unlike the shark attracting light suits of Tron surfing or the glowing outline of night skiers, seeing a wakeboarder with a light board is like seeing Picasso with a paintbrush. The tricks the wakeboarders pull makes for a visually magnetic picture. It's like painting rainbows! More »

Twitter Is Launching a New Twitter Music App Tomorrow

Apr 12, 2:49AM

We know that Twitter bought music discovery app We Are Hunted and have heard that Twitter wanted to make its own standalone music app for some time now. That time is now. Or well, tomorrow. According to AllThingsD, Twitter will release Twitter Music—a new, standalone music application—on Friday. More »

What Happens When a Stranger Asks to Instagram Your Food?

Apr 12, 2:30AM

Taking pictures of food is one of the tenets of Instagram (along with selfies, instabrags, #TBTs and the Kardashian family). But usually it's you taking your own Instagram picture of your own food. What happens when a guy starts asking strangers to let him Instagram pictures of their food? YouTube channel Hungry decided to find out. A lot more people are willing to share their food than you'd think! [Hungry via PetaPixel] More »

All Movie Trailers Are the Same Freaking Thing

Apr 12, 1:30AM

Let's all admit it: we love movie trailers. A minute or two of bite sized scenes showing off great looking shirtless actors with even better looking almost topless actresses combined with explosions, laughs, mind blowing sequences and a tinge of sex is a wonderful formula to get us hyped. Even if all movie trailers are cut the same way, I'll never not get excited to watch them. Animation Domination High Def creates a song and exposes a formula in this silly animation on how to make a movie trailer. It's hilarious. [Animation Domination High Def] More »

Holy Hell, A Giant 22 Foot Wasp Nest Is the Most Terrifying Thing

Apr 12, 12:30AM

Imagine walking into a room and stumbling straight into a wasp nest that's nearly 22 feet big. That's what happened in the Canary Islands. Neighbors had been growing concerned over a vacant home so they notified the police. When the police entered the home, they discovered the home wasn't empty at all. Rather, it was home to millions of wasps and the most alien looking nest ever. More »

The Most Popular Seats on an Airplane Are At the Very Back

Apr 11, 11:30PM

Where do you like sitting on an airplane? At the very front or the very back? At a window or an aisle? According to research by British Airways, the most popular seats on a Boeing 747 are 51B/51C, 52B/52C, 51H/51J and 52 H/52J. That's all the way in the back of the plane. More »

Iran's New Uranium Production Facility: Because the Rest of the World Wasn't Pissed Off Enough Yet

Apr 11, 10:28PM

Taking a page from the North Korean Handbook for Successful International Diplomacy, Iran has recently announced that it is inaugurating a new addition to its Ardakan Yellowcake Production Plant. The facility will handle the processing of the 60 some-odd tons of uranium excavated from the nearby Saghand uranium mine after the latest international round of unsuccessful nuclear negotiations. Because this isn't going to inflame tensions or anything. More »

Instagraph: Your Instagram Workaround for WP8

Apr 11, 10:00PM

Instagraph is an app that posts your photos to Instagram from Windows Phone. Sure, it's not the official app. But it's about as close as you're going to get for the foreseeable future. More »

The Best Way to Paint Is with Slow Motion Explosions

Apr 11, 9:50PM

Blowing stuff up is a blast in more ways than one, but only occasionally can you venture to call it art. This is an edge case. Ever an explosive duo, the Slow Mo guys have moved from pans of gasoline to bottles of paint and firecrackers and made some pretty colorful explosions. More »

This Credit Card Sized Backup Battery Is a Different Kind of Charge Card

Apr 11, 9:20PM

Unless you're completely killing your smartphone's battery on a daily basis, you don't need to haul around a massive backup battery. A single emergency charge is all most of us need for those days when we talk or stream more than we intended, which makes the Tarot's 1,500 mAh capacity the perfect balance of size vs. power. More »

Ultra-Slim Multitools Are a Smuggler's Dream Come True

Apr 11, 9:00PM

Stat Key, makers of fine novelty-shaped keys, is expanding its brand to include a line of ultra-thin and ultra-simple tools called the Every Day Carry Multitools. Made from stainless steel covered in military grade anticorrosive ceramic, there's a good chance the Stat EDC tools will outlive you. More »

Philips Hue Lightning Review: Your Lamp's Not Worthy

Apr 11, 8:40PM

Used to be, the most customization you could squeeze out of your lighting was how warm or cool you wanted it to be. Not anymore. With the Philips Hue home lighting system, you can control every light in your house down to its color, saturation, and brightness—right from your phone. More »

The Science of Rocket Fuel Explained With Soda Bottles and Slo-Mo

Apr 11, 8:20PM

Rocket engines require two important ingredients to fire: fuel, and an oxidizer. And to get the most bang for your buck with those ingredients, you need to find the perfect recipe. As the BBC series Bang Goes the Theory demonstrates with three plastic soda bottles, maxing out on either ingredient doesn't produce as effective a chemical reaction as ensuring the two are in perfect balance. There's a reason they call it rocket science after all. [YouTube via The Awesomer] More »

Stolen Laptop Is Sending Its Owner Secret Photos From Its New Home in Iran

Apr 11, 8:00PM

Dom Del Torto is an animator currently living in the UK. Dom Del Torto's laptop is a MacBook Pro currently living 3,000 miles away in Iran. This was not a planned separation. More »

What Happens When You Push Concrete Beyond Its Limits?

Apr 11, 7:40PM

Common sense dictates that you don't want to be anywhere near a concrete pylon when the load it's bearing is too much: when all that weight comes crashing down, you'll find out quickly how much weight your body can shoulder as well. More »

The Most Over-Engineered Flask Known To Man

Apr 11, 7:20PM

Finding ways to stealthily transport alcohol has been a long-time obsession for man. We've used just about anything imaginable to do so, too, including fruit and animal bladders. Around the 18th century, though, we found a more refined and possibly more sanitary way to do so with the hip flask, which, at the time, was mostly used by the privileged class. So it should come as no surprise that The Macallan and Oakley's recent collaboration has amounted to the most over-engineered and expensive mass-produced flask known to man. More »

Monoprice's 27-Inch Hi-Res Monitor Is Your Deal of the Day

Apr 11, 7:00PM

Monoprice is taking pre-orders on a 27-inch, 1440p IPS monitor. It runs at 2560x1440—the same resolution as a 27" iMac. The panel is even made by LG, which is Apple's supplier for both the Thunderbolt Display and the iMac. This is a big, beautiful, pixel-dense screen. More »

Watch the Mind-Bending Mathematical Films of an Early Computer Artist

Apr 11, 6:40PM

Before there was Adobe Creative Suite, digital art degrees, and New Aesthetic, there was Manfred Mohr grappling with ideas of logic, programming, and what he could make computers do in the early 1970s. Now, you can watch some of Mohr's beautiful experiments on YouTube. More »

This iOS Remixing App Lets You Pump Up the Ninja Jamms

Apr 11, 6:20PM

The legendary electronica label Ninja Tune has done what many have contemplated, but no one has crushed: It launched an app, Ninja Jamm, that lets anyone remix music with (relative) ease, using a variety of high-quality releases from world-renowned DJs, producers, and other artists. More »

The Science of Six Packs

Apr 11, 6:00PM

If you've always yearned for a washboard stomach, and you can do a thousand crunches but you still aren't seeing results, you're not alone. But never fear! Everyone has a six pack under there (somewhere), you've just got to know what to do to get it out in the open. More »

The Old DVD Player Sitting in Your Garage Can Test for HIV

Apr 11, 5:40PM

Remember DVD players? Well, looks like they won't be going the way of VHS tapes and cassettes (ask your parents) just yet. Because researchers have just figured out a way to turn them into affordable, blood-analyzing, cellular-imaging, laser-scanning microscopes capable of completing HIV tests in mere minutes. More »

Philips' Prototype LED Could Replace Fluorescents and Save the US Billions Annually

Apr 11, 5:20PM

Office parks and convenience stores across the country rely on fluorescent lights. These flickering gas-filled tubes suck down far less energy than the incandescent bulbs they replaced but still consume some 200 TWh of electricity every year. This new super-efficient LED prototype from Philips, however, puts florescents to shame. More »

How to Deal With Your Google Data After You're Dead

Apr 11, 5:11PM

Google just launched an "Inactive Account Manager" to help you deal with your data after you die. The tool lets you decide what to do with you data after your account has been inactive for three, six, nine or 12 months. This is Google's death tool. More »

The Sun Just Shot Off the Biggest, Most Spectacular Solar Flare of the Year

Apr 11, 4:58PM

Early this morning, while most of us were resting peacefully in our beds, everyone's favorite flaming ball of plasma decided to give NASA's cameras a little show. More specifically, the Solar Dynamics Observatory managed to capture our sun's biggest solar flare of the year thus far. More »

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