Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mar 20 - New 'Gizmodo' feed email from

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Explosions, Destruction and Crazyness in Slow Motion Never Stops Being Fun

Mar 21, 3:00AM

Danish TV show 'Dumt & Farligt' (it means Stupid & Dangerous) just posted an insane compilation of their second season and it's filled with sillyness like splooging toothpaste, rocket launching glass jars, exploding campers and more fun like that. It's shot at 2500FPS so you can enjoy all the minutiae of destruction. [YouTube via BoingBoing More »

Would You Drink a Cup of Death Wish Coffee That Has Twice the Caffeine of Normal Coffee?

Mar 21, 2:00AM

Here's something super bitter for you coffee fiends: Death Wish Coffee. It's the world's strongest coffee because it has 200% more caffeine than your normal cup of joe. That's, um, a lot of caffeine in one drink. But then again, for those who pour multiple brews down your throat every morning it shouldn't be a problem. More »

What the Next Google Play Redesign Is Probably Going to Look Like

Mar 21, 12:56AM

If you've been itching for a redesigned Google Play on your Android phones, it's apparently been leaked. Droid Life managed to get their hands on what looks like Google Play 4.0 and everything is brighter with bigger pictures. It's nice looking! However much of the page layout has stayed the same. More »

Watch a Laser Light Glass Bottles on Fire

Mar 21, 12:00AM

The idea behind this video is pretty simple, it's a laser igniting black flash paper to spark fire inside a bottle. But the execution of it is just mesmerizing. The Wicked Laser 100mW Spyder III Krypton burns through the paper in a pyro domino effect and the flame just explodes inside the bottle. You get to see it broken down in slow motion too. Lasers. Fire. Slow motion. Always a good combination. [World Scott via Laughing Squid] More »

Aladdin Killers: Conversation with Intellectuals

Mar 20, 11:00PM

The groove is strong in this one. The latest music video from Polish musical quartet, Aladin Killers, Conversation with Intellectuals is equal parts funk, jazz, and hip-hop with a sound very reminiscent of The Beastie Boys' The In Sound From Way Out! from 1996. Unfortunately, I have yet to find it for sale online. [FB] More »

The Terrifying Future is 3D Printed Weapons

Mar 20, 10:40PM

Motherboard just released a trailer for Click. Print. Gun., its upcoming documentary on 3D printed guns, and you get to see a glimpse of the terrifying future that is having access to guns and gun parts that you can just click and print. The doc follows Cody R. Wilson, a guy who has home printed a semi-automatic rifle and uploaded all the info on the Internet. Fun! [Motherboard] More »

Facebook for iOS Is Testing an Obnoxious New Feature That Harasses You Until You Update

Mar 20, 10:20PM

Facebook is notorious for testing all sorts of wild and crazy ideas before implementing them site wide—assuming they ever even make it that far. So for the sake of everyone's sanity, we hope that this newest venture will soon make its way to The Graveyard of Horrible Facebook Features Past and join the others. Because an iOS notification begging you to post an update (any update!) is perhaps one of the most annoying things Facebook has tried to subject us to yet. More »

Picturelife: Protect Your Precious Pics

Mar 20, 10:00PM

Losing photos is a heartbreaking tragedy that you never have to suffer through again, thanks to Picturelife. More »

Jetblue's New Fly-Fi Brings More Wi-Fi to the Sky-Fi

Mar 20, 9:20PM

There's nothing quite as magical as surfing the Interwebs from cruising altitude, and now you can add JetBlue to the list of airlines that will let you do it. A few years behind everyone else, mind you. The company's new, punny service "Fly-Fi" will be showing up in planes later this year. More »

The Compact Chopsticks: You'll Never Dine Unprepared Again

Mar 20, 9:00PM

Forks are for amateurs; if you're going to eat you're going to work for it, dammit—enter the chopstick. But all those splinter-laden, wooden eating-twigs don't come without a price, you tree killer. The Compact Chopsticks, however, will let your live your life environmentally friendly and fork-free. Just like God intended. More »

Google's Note-Taking Service Keep Is Live, And It's Wonderful

Mar 20, 8:22PM

Google Keep is live. You can go check out Google's answer to Evernote at More »

NASA's Laser Satellite Could Deliver Fiber Optic Speeds from Lunar Orbit

Mar 20, 8:20PM

For all of their advanced technologies, modern satellites still rely on low-bandwidth radio transmitters to communicate with ground control. But they could soon be upgraded to beyond broadband speeds once NASA's new laser-based communication system prototype gets off the ground. More »

Sony A99 Review: At Long Last a Real Flagship DSLR From Sony

Mar 20, 8:00PM

Sony cameras have come a long way over the last few years—to the point that they're competitive with the twin monoliths of Canon and Nikon. The company has accomplished this feat by making gear that's different from other stuff out there. Until now, that success has been limited to point-and-shoots like the RX100 and the fabulous NEX cameras. Here's a big, pricey professional flagship to match Sony's successes at lower price points. More »

Watch This Lego Lathe Carve Any Contour Sketched On Paper

Mar 20, 7:20PM

If Lego ever decides to build an industrial version of its building toy, there are countless designs outline that would let anyone build their own workshop. Even a computer-guided lathe, thanks to Arthur Sacek's latest creation that can turn a chunk of foam into a curvaceous creation based on nothing more than an outline sketched onto a piece of paper. More »

These Otterbox iPhone Cases Are Your Deal of the Day

Mar 20, 7:00PM

Most of us at Gizmodo like our phones naked, but if you decide you need a case, we'll try not to judge. After all, a cracked iPhone screen is a huge pain in the ass. Not only are you going to have to spend about $100 to fix it, but you'll have to find a repair shop or deal with insurance hassles. More »

How Many Tetris Pieces Would You Need To Build a House?

Mar 20, 6:40PM

It was the game that defined a revolution in handheld gaming, but during the countless hours you spent playing Tetris and neatly organizing falling tetrominoes, did you ever stop and wonder how many of those pieces you'd need to build a full-size house? Probably not, after all what kid spends their time imagining about home engineering? More »

Jeff Bezos Has Rescued the Apollo 11 Rockets From the Ocean Floor

Mar 20, 6:00PM

Ever since July 16, 1969, the rockets that pushed Apollo 11 into the atmosphere—and mankind to the moon—have been laying at bottom of the Atlantic ocean. Jeff Bezos has been keen to get them back, and now, thanks to his hard work and vast fortune of book money, they're seeing the light of day for the first time in decades. More »

Shooting Challenge: First Moments of Spring

Mar 20, 5:40PM

Today is, officially, the first day of spring. But maybe it doesn't quite look like it where you live. That's OK. Because for this week's Shooting Challenge, you have a whole MONTH to shoot a photo of spring. More »

I Went To a Samsung Event and All I Got Was This Incredible Eli Manning GIF

Mar 20, 5:20PM

Today Samsung hosted an event at the American Museum of Finance. It announced pricing on some stuff they'd already announced and blah blah blah showed off smart TVs we saw two months ago at CES. But more importantly they had some special guests: Supermodel/professional breast-haver Kate Upton, brother of Peyton Manning Eli Manning, and Flo Rida (pronounced: /floʊ ˈraɪdə/), the only rapper named after a state. More »

The Insane One-Man Computer Station It Takes to Cover Every Single March Madness Game

Mar 20, 5:00PM

When March Madness kicks off tomorrow at noon Eastern time, thousands of sports fans across the country will be suddenly stricken with sore throats, coughs, or other excuses to ditch work and find a place to watch one or more of the 16 college basketball games that will tip off. More »

Ladies and Gentlemen, We Have Left the Solar System

Mar 20, 4:27PM

For the very first time, a man-made object has reached the cosmic abyss beyond the farthest reaches of our solar system. As of today, Voyager 1 is the first spacecraft to begin the endless journey into deep space. More »

This Ghostbusters Fanatic Built a Perfect Replica of Their HQ

Mar 20, 4:20PM

If you thought you were a big fan of Bill Murray movies, you've got nothing on one Italian fan who's built an impossibly perfect replica of the basement of the Ghostbusters' firehall headquarters. More »

Some Law Of the Universe Is Being Broken When This Chair and Stool Stack

Mar 20, 4:11PM

There's a recent trend in furniture with pieces that defy the impossible and by all logic shouldn't exist. First it was that mind-melting distorted storage unit, and now we have Dave Ritinger's chair and stool Mate set that somehow stack into a single piece. More »

New York City Is Getting Futuristic Touchscreen Subway Maps

Mar 20, 3:27PM

This will be awesome and also deeply unsanitary. New York City has hired a company called Control Group to install 90 47-inch touchscreen subway maps around the city. It looks like real life world-of-tomorrow type stuff. More »

The Stinky Footpad PC Controller Lets You Stomp the Competition

Mar 20, 3:00PM

PC gamers tend to be quite attached to their mice and keyboards, but that doesn't mean there's not room for a controller to squeeze in. The Stinky Footboard won't steal away your precious pointer, or replace your keys with a handful of buttons, but it will give you four more, and it puts them right under your feet. More »

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