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Texting People Who Leave Their Numbers Public Is Awful and Great
May 08, 5:09AM
Trolls are the worst but funny trolls are shake-your-head enjoyable. You can't help but appreciate their mastery of that craft. Textastrophe is the perfect example of that. He texts people who leave their numbers in public and weaves an epic conversation that makes clowns, Moonbounce renters, movers and other poor innocent bystanders regret ever putting their number out.

The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: The Lumberjack
May 08, 4:00AM
As the injured man later explained to police, "It got into my hand and it went bad. So I lopped it off at the wrist."

Haha This Guy Can't Stand Up Straight While Using the Oculus Rift
May 08, 3:00AM
It's definitely true that Oculus Rift VR goggles are capable of wonderful miracles for a 90-year-old. As for normal people? We can barely keep our heads on or even stand up straight. This poor guy strapped himself to an Oculust Rift roller coaster simulation and almost destroyed the entire room trying to stay balanced. It's so good.

Is This the New Google Maps?
May 08, 1:44AM
Google is supposedly working on a redesign of Google Maps that'll kill the all familiar sidebar and replace it with a full screen map. It's a cleaner look that already makes the current constricted layout seem dated.

Syria Is Completely Cut Off from the Internet Again
May 08, 12:58AM
As the country has done before, Syria cut off the Internet for all its citizens earlier today a little before 3PM Eastern Time. As in all Internet access has completely disappeared. Google's Transparency Report, which shows traffic to Google, reveals that Syria pretty much no longer exists on the Internet.

What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains
May 08, 12:00AM
You love the Internet. You're not alone, obviously. That guy in the cubicle next to you is on the Internet too. That girl checking her email while walking down the street loves the Internet too. Your mom who messages you on Facebook, yeah, she's on it too. Everybody uses the Internet. But what is the Internet, a drug that everyone takes, doing to our brains?

Cities Are the Future of Human Evolution
May 07, 11:47PM
Humans began to live in urban settlements about 7 thousand years ago. As humans continued to evolve over the millennia, so too did our cities. Now, our cities are about to change again — and they're going to look more like ancient Machu Picchu than the gleaming towers of glass and steel we have today.

You Can Download Any Spotify Song as an MP3 With This Chrome Extension
May 07, 10:29PM
At long last, Spotify has launched the web-based interface it introduced last year. Unfortunately, it left a gaping security vulnerability that leaves the songs wide-open to download with a simple Chrome extension. (Update below)

At Least Antarctica's Last Sunset Until August Is a Stunner
May 07, 10:27PM
Snapped from Concordia Research Station in Antarctica, this is a photo of the last sunset the base will see for the next three months of permanent darkness.

iFontMaker: Make Your Own Font When Nothing Else Will Do
May 07, 10:00PM
While designers may suffer this the most, pretty much anyone who's typed anything, well, ever has struggled to find the perfect font to suit their means. Normally, you'd be forced to settle for something that only approximates your vision, but rarely will you find exactly what exists so clearly in your imagination, which, let's face it, may vainly just be your very own handwriting. But with iFontmaker for iPad and now Windows 8 or Windows RT, you can take total control of your typographical needs.

Popular Stories from Across Gawker Media
May 07, 9:56PM
Jezebel The Good, the Bad, the Fucked-Up and the Insanely Ugly of the Met Gala | Gizmodo Fitbit Flex Review: Peer Pressure Sucks | Gawker 9 Essential Parenting Lessons from the Teen Mom Sex Tape | Kotaku Wolfenstein Game Publisher Bravely Adopts Anti-Nazi Stance

Kramer Glitch Art Basically Re-Invents Glitch Art
May 07, 9:30PM
Glitch art can get rather repetitive these days. But when the very subject of your glitch art is Kramer repeatedly sliding into Jerry's apartment?? Well, the mold has been broken.

Dino Corn Cob Holders Convince Your Kids to Eat Their Veggies
May 07, 9:00PM
If dinosaurs had held your veggies when you were a kid, would you have ever passed them off to the dog? Probably not, because these dino corn cob holders are awesome.

How Ultraviolet Light Will Sterilize Super Bugs
May 07, 8:50PM
Hospital infection rates are on the rise with 1 in 20 Americans already being admitted to the hospital this year, according to CDC estimates, and in some instances, winding up more sick than when they arrived. These infections kill around 100,000 vulnerable patients and cost the healthcare industry $30 billion annually. To combat hyper-infectious agents like Clostridium difficile (C-diff) or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), doctors are turning to a different method of disinfection to destroy bacteria by tearing their DNA apart with UV light.

Fitbit Flex Review: Peer Pressure Sucks
May 07, 8:31PM
Fitbit's One is arguably one of the best activity trackers available today and, yet, less than seven months since it hit the street, Fitbit has decided that a stripped down version worn on the wrist was something the market's been clamoring for. Back in '77, Bert Lance first uttered the immortal phrase "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." There's a reason we still say it today.

You'll be able to try out the next update to Windows 8—codenamed Blue or 8.1 or whatever you prefer—
May 07, 8:01PM
You'll be able to try out the next update to Windows 8—codenamed Blue or 8.1 or whatever you prefer—at the end of June, during Microsoft's BUILD Conference. The public preview will be released then, according to Microsoft.

8 Unbelievably Beautiful Cityscapes and Their Reflections
May 07, 7:52PM
It's easy to assume that these stunning and totally surreal images are the work of Photoshop's helping hand, but all the photographs you see before you, unbelievable as they may be, are the work of nothing more than a photographer, a camera, and impeccable timing.

Time Warner Cable's TV app for Android will suddenly become WAY more useful starting (probably) next
May 07, 7:51PM
Time Warner Cable's TV app for Android will suddenly become WAY more useful starting (probably) next Tuesday. They're adding a bunch of features, including access to 4,000 shows on demand and live TV for older Android phones (running 2.2 or higher).

Adorably Wrap Your iPhone Charger Like a Needle and Thread
May 07, 7:20PM
Until smartphone batteries last for weeks on end, carrying a backup charging cable wherever you go will be a necessary evil. But at least you don't have to deal with a perpetual tangle of wires if you import SoftBank's new Itomaki AC Adapters. They're shaped like a thread spool letting you wind your cable around so it's always neat and tidy.

Starting today, you can now opt into Boingo's on the go Wi-Fi subscription service with the tap of a
May 07, 7:10PM
Starting today, you can now opt into Boingo's on the go Wi-Fi subscription service with the tap of a button from your iOS device and have it billed directly to your iTunes account. [iTunes]

This Solid Aluminum iPhone Dock Is Your Deal of the Day
May 07, 7:00PM
When Apple changed the venerable 30-pin iOS connector to the reversible Lightning connector, it threw a lot of accessory makers into fits. One of those makers is Elevation Lab, which first garnered attention in 2011 with a wildly successful Kickstarter selling a CNC-machined iPhone dock made from a solid piece of aluminum. As most observers noted, the aluminum looks positively Apple-esque. It's a premium accessory. It impressed Andrew Tarantola enough that he considered giving up his Android phone—because of a dock. But as production ramped up, Apple switched up the connector game.

The Real-Life Buildings Used to Sell Elysium's Luxurious Dystopia
May 07, 6:47PM
Elysium, Neill Blomkamp's long-delayed futuristic Matt Damon vehicle, tells the story of a class war between the unwashed masses, who live on Earth, and the super wealthy, who live in an absurdly opulent community in the sky. And as it turns out, the super-luxe buildings of Elsyium's tomorrow actually exist right here in the present day.

Holy Hell, This Is How Football Helmets Are Concussion Safety-Tested
May 07, 6:20PM
In a new study published today in the Journal of Neurosurgery, a group of scientists proved, seemingly, that modern football helmets are better than old leather ones. Thanks, guys. What is more notable, however, is that this batshit crazy device is how the data was gathered.

You Can Now Buy Stuff From Right Inside a Torrent
May 07, 6:00PM
BitTorrent's always got something cooking, from a streaming video protocol that never overloads, to a neat little private cloud storage system. Now the company's invented a new kind of torrent that lets content creators pack their own little store right inside.

This Animation Based on Oscillating Sine Waves Is Utterly Entrancing
May 07, 5:48PM
Are your eyes bored today? Look at this right now. It's a computer animation by computer artist Daniel Sierra, and it will mesmerize you, if only for a few minutes.

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