Sunday, April 27, 2014

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How to Survive Getting Struck by Lightning

Apr 27, 10:30PM

How to Survive Getting Struck by Lightning

Getting struck by lightning might seem like one of those impossible things more or less relegated to the world of idioms, but the truth of the matter is that it's a lot more likely than we'd want to believe. So just in case, The Art of Manliness has created this handy little infographic on how to maximize your chances of survival should lightning actually strike.


The Price of Electricity In The U.S. Is About to Skyrocket

Apr 27, 9:30PM

The Price of Electricity In The U.S. Is About to Skyrocket

Here's the sad, dark truth about our aging electrical grid: The way we generate power is not sustainable and needs to change. Here's the other sad, dark truth: As the U.S. becomes more reliant on renewable energy like solar and wind, our electricity bills are going to go up. Way up.


A 1956 Plane Crash in the Grand Canyon Made Flying Safer for Americans

Apr 27, 8:30PM

A 1956 Plane Crash in the Grand Canyon Made Flying Safer for Americans

In 1956 two planes collided over the Arizona desert, killing all 128 people on board and scattering the debris deep inside the Grand Canyon. This week, the National Park Service designated the crash site a National Historic Landmark—even though they don't actually want you to go visit it.


Code Dicks Parody Site Is Your Equal Opportunity Answer to Code Babes

Apr 27, 7:30PM

Code Dicks Parody Site Is Your Equal Opportunity Answer to Code Babes

It was only a matter of time. Just a few days after the internet got good and outraged over the wildly absurd, porn-based learn-to-code site Code Babes , we present to you its satirical, equal opportunity cousin. Say hello to Code Dicks.


New Vulnerability Found in Every Single Version of Internet Explorer

Apr 27, 7:00PM

New Vulnerability Found in Every Single Version of Internet Explorer

According to a confirmation by Microsoft late last night, a new zero day vulnerability has been found to affect every version of Internet Explorer. In other words—over a quarter of the entire browser market.


The Life-Saving Science Behind Sunscreen

Apr 27, 6:00PM

The Life-Saving Science Behind Sunscreen

Every summer we slather layers of sunscreen with the highest SPF we can find, and bravely venture outside hoping our slimy cloak will shield us from the sun's death rays. So how does this work?


Thousands of Tons of Nazi Chemical Weapons Are Hiding in the Baltic Sea

Apr 27, 5:00PM

Thousands of Tons of Nazi Chemical Weapons Are Hiding in the Baltic Sea

When the Nazis surrendered their weapons at the end of World War II, the Allies got rid of them in a way that made sense in the 1940s: they dumped it all into the water. Mustard gas and other chemical weapons— estimates ranging from 13,000 to 300,000 tons—are now slowly leaking into the Baltic Sea.


Game of Thrones Creator Says Drones Are Worse Than The Dothraki

Apr 27, 3:45PM

Game of Thrones Creator Says Drones Are Worse Than The Dothraki

Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin has definitely come up with some of the most shocking ways to kill people, from gasp-inducing beheadings to blood-spattered Red Weddings. But in an interview with Rolling Stone, Martin says the way we engage in modern warfare is far more brutal.


Adorable Tokyo Metro Posters Remind Passengers to Be Polite

Apr 27, 3:00PM

Adorable Tokyo Metro Posters Remind Passengers to Be Polite

Since 1974, Tokyo's Metro has created cute, quirky posters for their subway system to remind passengers of proper etiquette. Each fiscal year they roll out a new set of characters as the ambassadors of good manners, and for 2014 they've just revealed a new mascot (he's the lion in the center poster).


Amazing Warbird Photos Look Like They Were Taken By A Time-Traveler

Apr 27, 2:31PM

Amazing Warbird Photos Look Like They Were Taken By A Time-Traveler

What if you could take a modern DSLR camera back in time to shoot war planes? The military aviation photography community is pretty damn small and Lyle Jansma is a virtual time traveler that gets to warp back to ages gone by to capture the most amazing warbirds in their natural environment.


The Still-Frozen Great Lakes Could Mean Cold Temperatures All Summer

Apr 27, 2:00PM

The Still-Frozen Great Lakes Could Mean Cold Temperatures All Summer

Last time we checked in with the Great Lakes , it was in the bone-chilling depths of the Polar Vortex, and a record-breaking 88 percent of the lakes were frozen. Now, here we are, at the end of April, and the lakes are still 30 percent frozen, which could mean a colder summer for the country.


Rare Indian Burial Ground Quietly Destroyed for Million Dollar Houses

Apr 27, 1:00PM

Rare Indian Burial Ground Quietly Destroyed for Million Dollar Houses

A 4,500-year-old American Indian burial ground—one of the richest and best preserved found in California in the past century—has been paved over for a multimillion dollar housing development in the Bay Area. And archeologists are pissed.


This Week's Top Comedy Video: Bald Earth

Apr 27, 1:00AM

Earth's climate is changing, and the evidence is clear—with the loss of the polar ice caps, earth is obviously going bald. But the debate rages on: does a bald earth need help, or can our planet's chrome dome be downright sexy?


Witness the Tragedy of the World's Last Reader With The Twilight Zone

Apr 26, 11:31PM

Old troves and the newly-discovered intrigue around them was sort of our theme today , what with the discovery of decades-old Atari game cartridges in a New Mexico landfill . It's a theme that always gets me thinking of one of The Twilight Zone's most influential episodes: "Time Enough at Last."


This little alien monster is fundamental to cancer research

Apr 26, 10:41PM

This little alien monster is fundamental to cancer research

Cool scanning electron microscope image taken by Annie Cavanagh and David McCarthy: A zebra fish larva 32 hours after hatching from its egg. Zebra fish are one of the fundamental cornerstones of cancer, cardiovascular, immune system, infectious diseases and drugs research in laboratories all over the world.


Does Digital Media Make Physical Artifacts Obsolete?

Apr 26, 10:00PM

Does Digital Media Make Physical Artifacts Obsolete?

Today, diggers unearthed a cache of Atari 2600 game cartridges in a New Mexico landfill. Game aficionados have told the urban legend around the buried games for decades. Now I'm wondering: in a world of digital-only media, will this sort of discovery cease to exist? What do you think?


This Mystery Bike Lock's Hidden Keyhole Makes it Un-Pickable

Apr 26, 9:00PM

This Mystery Bike Lock's Hidden Keyhole Makes it Un-Pickable

Picking a lock is surprisingly easy with practice . So the makers of this mystery bike lock came up with a brilliant and novel solution: bury the keyhole deep inside the lock mechanism. It's unpickable, because you simply can't get your picks into the lock. And it's got lock picking hobbyists stumped.


This week in Tech Reads: how data from Apollo 12 debunked the "skydiver meteorite," facial recogniti

Apr 26, 8:00PM

This week in Tech Reads: how data from Apollo 12 debunked the "skydiver meteorite," facial recognition software that performs better than the human brain, a literary easter egg on Amazon's Kindle, and more, more, more!


Game Cartridges Found Intact at E.T. Atari Dig

Apr 26, 7:12PM

Game Cartridges Found Intact at E.T. Atari Dig

They exist! Excavators have found intact examples of the Atari 2600 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial video game, complete with cartridge, packaging, and inserts, and the folks at the dig say there are lots more to be unearthed. To see what's been uncovered, head on over to Kotaku .


Watch a Pro Golfer Knock a Drone From the Sky With One Golf Ball

Apr 26, 7:00PM

Shooting down a flying drone is challenging even for machine gun-wielding sharpshooters . But professional golfer Keegan Bradley just made it look easy, swatting a DJI Phantom out of the sky with just a well-aimed golf ball. Thankfully, the quadcopter was carrying a GoPro, so we could see the whole thing unfold. Poor drone.


Balloons, E-Cigs, Powdered Alcohol, Poop, and More

Apr 26, 6:00PM

Balloons, E-Cigs, Powdered Alcohol, Poop, and More

What a week! We looked back at the time Cleveland unleashed 1.5 million balloons into the sky, looked at the 7 best-designed objects (supposedly) of the past year, and examined what your poop might be trying to tell you. Yes, you read that correctly. Your poop. And so much more!


How to Enjoy Nature Without Getting Yourself Eaten

Apr 26, 5:00PM

How to Enjoy Nature Without Getting Yourself Eaten

Ah, the great outdoors, how I loathe thee. What with all that sunshine, fresh air, and hordes of ravenous apex predators lurking around every trail bend. But if you do insist on communing with Mother Nature, here's what you need to know to keep from becoming a part of the food chain.


Paparazzi, Tourists, Marathoners: What's Ruining Our Cities This Week

Apr 26, 4:00PM

Paparazzi, Tourists, Marathoners: What's Ruining Our Cities This Week

L.A. is being overrun by photographers trying to snap photos of celebrity spawn. Tourists are making a mess out of Barcelona. And four runners cast a cheatery vibe over what should have been a triumphant day in Boston. Let's investigate What's Ruining Our Cites.


The Atari E.T. Landfill Excavation Starts Today. What Will They Find?

Apr 26, 3:00PM

The Atari E.T. Landfill Excavation Starts Today. What Will They Find?

In 1983, the failing Atari video game company allegedly dumped millions of unsold E.T. the Extra Terrestrial cartridges in a New Mexico landfill. Ever since, game nostalgists have tried to track them down. Today, screenwriter Zak Penn's documentary crew begin digging , and our friends at Wired got a sneak peek at the excavation.


Don't Drive 1,000 MPH: Raindrops Will Destroy Your Windshield

Apr 26, 2:00PM

Don't Drive 1,000 MPH: Raindrops Will Destroy Your Windshield

Rain hitting your windshield can mean dicey road conditions and traffic snags. According to XKCD's What If, the force of those drops hitting your windshield can also destroy your car's windshield. Lesson learned: don't drive at speeds of Mach 1.5 in a downpour if you want your glass to survive.


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