Monday, July 01, 2013

Jul 01 - New 'Gizmodo' feed email from

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New PRISM Insight: Real-Time Monitoring, 100,000 Surveillance Targets

Jul 01, 7:46AM

New PRISM Insight: Real-Time Monitoring, 100,000 Surveillance TargetsThe Washington Post has unearthed more slides describing the US government's PRISM surveillance program—and they help confirm the extent of the operation.



Apple has filed an application for an 'iWatch' trademark in Japan—which adds a little more weight to

Jul 01, 7:36AM

Apple has filed an application for an 'iWatch' trademark in Japan—which adds a little more weight to the rumors of Cupertino's forthcoming wrist wear.



Bosnian Rainbows: Turtle Neck

Jul 01, 1:00AM

Bosnian Rainbows is sort of an amalgam of band members from The Mars Volta and Le Butcherettes. They're definitely alternative rock and have a sort of No Doubt-from-Texas vibe (they formed in El Paso) with some Latin Roots. Their drummer Deantoni Parks definitely keeps things interesting, and there's kind of a ska feel, but without the brass. Or maybe that's just me. Oh, and they have "rainbows" in their name, which is a coincidence, but yay Pride!



The Cabin In The Woods Cabin Is Gonna Exist And It Sounds Terrifying

Jul 01, 12:00AM

The Cabin In The Woods Cabin Is Gonna Exist And It Sounds Terrifying

If you didn't see Cabin In The Woods that was stupid of you. It's really great. Scary, meta and pretty gutsy. And like all good things, well okay like all things, its brilliance is being exploited for a theme park attraction. But it sounds awesome. Some sort-of-not-really spoilers ahead.



This Ax Is Really Scary And Then You Realize It Has A Slingshot Inside

Jun 30, 11:30PM

This week Joerg invited some students from the Technical University of Munich to create general mayhem with him via a steel axe. But an axe by itself isn't menacing/relevant enough. It obviously has to double as a slingshot. And it does! The handle of the axe is hollow . . .



Anchor Is Sort Of Like Yammer But Pretty

Jun 30, 11:00PM

Anchor Is Sort Of Like Yammer But Pretty

There are waaay too many social networks out there already, but people keep making them so what the hell, why not add one more. Anchor is social media for your office and is an easy way to keep all your coworkers' contact information available in one place. It also allows chatting and has ample room for overshares in the "company lobby," like 'went to the bathroom brb guys.'



Holographic TVs Are Getting Closer To Reality

Jun 30, 10:00PM

Holographic TVs Are Getting Closer To Reality

New methods for producing color holographic video are here, and they could lead to cheaper, higher res and more energy efficient TVs. Daniel Smalley, a researcher at MIT, built a holographic display with about the same resolution as a standard-definition TV, which is able to depict motion because it updates its image 30 times a second. The display is run by an optical chip that Smalley made in his lab for about $10.



Finally A Chance To Bend The Weather To Your Will

Jun 30, 9:14PM

It always rains the day you're moving or gets really icy when you have a lot of driving ahead of you. Murphy's Law definitely applies. If you could control the weather things would be much easier, and Design I/O wants you to feel like you can. Their installation allows participants to make it rain, produce wind, drive snow and bust out of ice blocks, all with a wave of your arm.



Panoramas From The Early 1900s Let You Gaze Far And Wide At The Past

Jun 30, 7:15PM

Panoramas From The Early 1900s Let You Gaze Far And Wide At The Past

When the iPhone got native panorama function in iOS 6, people started sharing tons of sprawling views. 360s of stadiums, the whole visible coastline at sunset. Laudable Facebook wallpapers all. But the urge to capture really wide shots didn't start a few years ago, it began in the 1800s when photographers like George R. Lawrence realized that aerial technology could help them take new kinds of photos.



What's The Biggest Repair Your Computer Has Ever Needed?

Jun 30, 6:00PM

What's The Biggest Repair Your Computer Has Ever Needed?

The other day I went to the Apple Store to pick up my computer and I felt like a celebrity. The person assigned to help me ran over and asked enthusiastically if I was Lily Newman. I nodded and immediately assumed that he recognized my name from Gizmodo and was about to tell me how quippy and brilliant I am. Because that totally happens to me all the time. Instead he produced my laptop, grinned at me, and said, "This laptop had so much wrong with it. It's ridiculous!" Soooo, yeah. My computer had been randomly freezing for awhile, but I didn't know it was on the verge of becoming an incredibly expensive pile of garbage.



Wireframe Furniture Looks Great But Is Almost Certainly Uncomfortable

Jun 30, 5:31PM

Wireframe Furniture Looks Great But Is Almost Certainly Uncomfortable

It would be so convenient if all the clutter in life could just disappear. Only the essentials. Clean lines. If you replaced everything in your house with pieces from this series by Japanese architecture group NOIZ you would never need to worry about loose change under the couch cushions or crumbs on the table again. Also having a couch that you can only see from certain angles is a convenient party trick.



Check Out These Gorgeous Color Photos From World War II

Jun 30, 4:48PM

Check Out These Gorgeous Color Photos From World War II

As the generation that fought World War II passes on, it can be difficult for younger people to remember that it was a war fought not by the elderly in black and white, but by millions of Americans in vivid color. These gorgeous images, via Shorpy, remind us just how vivid that war was.



PSA: The Price Goes Up On Google Play Music All Access At Midnight

Jun 30, 4:06PM

PSA: The Price Goes Up On Google Play Music All Access At Midnight

There are a ton of great monthly services out there, but if you're signed up for a bunch of them the little costs may be starting to add up. And if a subscription music service is on your list, pay attention because Google Play Music All Access, Google's fancy-shmancy new streaming service, is getting a price bump at midnight. If you join now you get 30 days free and then lock in $8/month. If you join in 12 hours it's gonna be $10 a month. So don't be lazy.



How to Make Rainbow Pasta and Show Pride

Jun 30, 3:00PM

How to Make Rainbow Pasta and Show Pride

This post originally ran 3/18/2013. We're re-running it in celebration of DOMA's demise, the overturning of Prop 8, and in solidarity with our LGBT brother and sisters. Plow through a couple of bowls of rainbow pasta today to be ready for whatever the SF Pride Parade throws at you.



Absurd Stock Photos Made The First Silicon Alley Billionaire

Jun 30, 2:35PM

Absurd Stock Photos Made The First Silicon Alley Billionaire

Photos of garbage or (fully clothed) people posing with fruit are big business. Stock photo sites, which provide images for news organizations, blogs, corporate campaigns and all manner of low-budget advertising, have been growing for years. And Shutterstock, founded in 2003 by Jonathan Oringer, has expanded from hosting 30,000 of Oringer's own photos to distributing about 28 million licensed photos/illustrations/videos. And all those cats riding merry-go-rounds have made Oringer a billionaire.



A Guide To Everything Google Has Been Asked To Censor

Jun 30, 1:13PM

A Guide To Everything Google Has Been Asked To Censor

The internet is all about the free flow of ideas, right? Collaboration! Discourse! Sharing! The day to day reality of what we do online may not always be quite so idealistic and ideologically motivated, but the open underpinnings are there. Except, of course, when they're not at all. This visualization, published by Sebastian Sadowski, uses Google's transparency data to visualize all the things the company has been asked to censor.



T-600 Is a Fantastic Backpack for Exterminating Mankind

Jun 30, 1:00AM

T-600 is neither your average puppet nor your average backpack, but this quick little clip from Stan Winston Schools shows that he's pretty impressive for both. Who said puppets had to be cute? [Stan Winston School]



This Life-Size Lego Alien Facehugger Will Haunt Your Dreams

Jun 30, 12:58AM

This Life-Size Lego Alien Facehugger Will Haunt Your Dreams

Carlos Valero is the brilliant mind behind this functional, life-size and creepy-as-hell Lego Alien Facehugger. This MOC 1:1 scale model uses only 500 bricks, and is so beautifully-accurate it would make Giger blush.



C-3P0 Is the Best Worst Rapper

Jun 30, 12:00AM

If there was a list of people (and robots) that should avoid rapping—and maybe there ought to be—C-3P0 would be sitting pretty far up towards the top. Fluent in six million forms of communication and not an ounce of flow.



Portland's New Streetlights Are Psychedelic, Carnivorous Plants

Jun 29, 11:01PM

Portland's New Streetlights Are Psychedelic, Carnivorous Plants

If you've seen one streetlight, you've pretty much seen them all. They're important, sure, but they're usually not much to look at. The lamps that popped up across Portland are a little bit different. A little more like giant, carnivorous plants.



Drool Over this Chart of All the Glorious Superpowers You'll Never Have

Jun 29, 10:00PM

Drool Over this Chart of All the Glorious Superpowers You'll Never Have

I don't have any superpowers. Neither do you. But we can both salivate with envy at all the marvelous flavors of superpowers we could have, if they were real. And to aid us in that noble pursuit, Pop Chart has put out their Giant-Size Omnibus of Superpowers, a (fairly) comprehensive menu of powers and their associated owners.



Beware: Those Instagrams of Fruit Want to Hijack Your Account

Jun 29, 8:06PM

Beware: Those Instagrams of Fruit Want to Hijack Your Account

Heads up: Instagram is weathering a bit of a spam attack right now, and as you may have noticed, it's drowning in fruit. This rather large wave of juicy spam seems to be pushing some sort of "miracle fruit diet" and it could mess up your account if you fall for it.



What's Your Pick for a Google Reader Replacement?

Jun 29, 7:00PM

What's Your Pick for a Google Reader Replacement?

The day we RSS fans have been dreading for months is almost here. On Monday, Google Reader dies. Forever. There's no going back. Everybody's been hawking their replacements, and we've brought you a little sampling, but now it's decision time. Who you goin' with?



What iOS 7 Says About the Next iPhone, All Things Windows 8.1, and More

Jun 29, 6:00PM

What iOS 7 Says About the Next iPhone, All Things Windows 8.1, and More

This week, we finally got a look at what the next version of Windows 8 has to offer, up to and including that long-awaited smart button. And on top of all that, we've got a slew of hidden passageways, a look into the iFuture through the iLens of iOS 7, some Google Reader alternatives for your coming RSS-panic, and more.



All the Hidden Chemicals That Are Lurking In Your Coffee

Jun 29, 5:00PM

Caffeine. For most of us, that's the only chemical compound in coffee that's worth a damn. But that's far from the only thing that's hiding in that simmering cup of black (or light brownish) glory that you suck down every morning. Cockroach pheromones? Rotting meat-smell? Check and check. Drink up! [Wired via Neatorama]



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