Sunday, June 23, 2013

Jun 23 - New 'Gizmodo' feed email from

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A Saturday's Work at Gizmodo in Mouse Movement

Jun 23, 1:00AM

A Saturday's Work at Gizmodo in Mouse Movement

While you folks are doing your Saturday thing and maybe checking out ol' Giz now and then, somebody's gotta write it. That somebody is me, and this is what it looks like. From a cursor's-eye perspective anyway.



Ween: Where'd the Cheese Go?

Jun 23, 12:00AM

Earlier today I found myself searching for my keys and—lo and behold—a certain song popped into my head. And what a wonderful tune it is. Both versions.



Keep Your Eyes on the Sky for Tonight's Gigantic Supermoon

Jun 22, 11:00PM

Keep Your Eyes on the Sky for Tonight's Gigantic Supermoon

If there's ever a night to let the moon hit your eye like a big pizza pie, it's amore tonight. If you go gaze into the abyss over head this evening, you'll be treated to a supermoon,



These Are the Ten TV Shows That Pirates Like the Most

Jun 22, 10:01PM

These Are the Ten TV Shows That Pirates Like the Most

With the spring TV season drawing to a close (MAD MEN SEASON FINALE TOMORROW YOU GUYS!!), TorrentFreak has done the wonderful service of rounding up a top 10 list of the most torrented shows out there this time around. Can you guess number one? (You can definitely guess number one.)



A Typeface Designed To Thwart Spying Computers

Jun 22, 9:03PM

A Typeface Designed To Thwart Spying Computers

If people are snooping on your textual communications and you don't like it, there are a couple of things you can do. You can try to block the prying eyes, you can stop saying things you don't want to be seen, or you can make your messages make no sense to the outside. The anti-authoritarian typeface ZXX is shooting for that last one.



How Messy Is Your Computer's Desktop?

Jun 22, 8:00PM

How Messy Is Your Computer's Desktop?

We all aspire to a certain amount of digital desktop cleanliness, but I think rather few of us actually keep up on it. As the days go by, the clutter builds bit by bit, and it's just irritating enough to be unpleasant, but not a big enough deal to actually clean up.



Building the Animatronic Terror That Trounced a T-Rex

Jun 22, 6:58PM

Jurassic Park III may not be your favorite movie in the series. But that doesn't mean its effects weren't fantastic. In fact, the somewhat random third entry in the series boasted the biggest animatronic 'saur yet: the Spinosaurus. Stan Winston Studios recalls the details of that behemoth's construction, and it's wild to watch.



How the Xbox One Got Worse, What's Wrong With iOS 7 Icons, and More

Jun 22, 6:00PM

How the Xbox One Got Worse, What's Wrong With iOS 7 Icons, and More

Microsoft pulled a huge U-turn this week by pulling all it's DRM, and we're just itching to tell you why that's horrible. While we're at it, we've got a first look at OSX Mavericks, a lesson on what's wrong with the iOS 7 icons, billion-year-old drinking water, a new subatomic particle, and a smartphone tripod that will blow you away. Dig in!



Why Your DVR Hates the Last Few Seconds of Shows So Much

Jun 22, 5:00PM

Why Your DVR Hates the Last Few Seconds of Shows So Much

There's nothing quite like missing the very last seconds of that show you so painstakingly DVRed. Especially if that show is a live sporting event, and you explicitly told the damned box to keep going for an hour or two afterwards. It shouldn't have to be that way, though. And as Slate explains, there's a better world of perfect recording just across the pond.



Three Steps You Can Take to Protect Yourself From Online Spying

Jun 22, 4:00PM

Three Steps You Can Take to Protect Yourself From Online Spying

The recent PRISM scandal has validated both the general public's growing unease with federal law enforcement agencies, and many of the fringe element's accusations about Big Brother's online behavior. Whether or not it's legal under the PATRIOT Act, just knowing that the government can rummage through your online life doesn't sit well with many folks. Here are some simple and effective ways of keeping your digital identity anonymous and your data your own.



Exactly How the NSA Is Getting Away With Spying on US Citizens

Jun 22, 3:00PM

Exactly How the NSA Is Getting Away With Spying on US Citizens

The Guardian published a new batch of secret leaked FISA court and NSA documents yesterday, which detail the particulars of how government has been accessing Americans' emails without a warrant, in violation of the Constitution. The documents lay bare fundamental problems with the ineffectual attempts to place meaningful limitations on the NSA's massive surveillance program.



Chairs Designed By Little Kids Are Hideously Adorable

Jun 22, 2:03PM

Chairs Designed By Little Kids Are Hideously Adorable

An eye for good design isn't something you're born with; you've got to learn it. But everyone has to start somewhere, and this is what it looks like when kids take their very first awkward stabs at furniture design. The results are sort of horrifyingly cute.



Wozniak on Jobs' Biopic: 'Young Steve Wasn't a Saint'

Jun 22, 1:27PM

The first trailer of the upcoming Steve Jobs' biopic starring Ashton Kutcher is here. I asked Steve Wozniak, close friend of Steve Jobs and Apple co-founder about it. Here's what he said:



The Math Behind Cicadas' Bizarre 17-Year Life Cycle

Jun 22, 1:07PM

It makes sense that an animal might hid away in the ground while it's maturing, but 17 years is a long, seemingly random amount of time. But it's not like cicadas picked a number out of a hat and were stuck with it. There's a something specific about that number, and numberphile is sussing it out.



The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Toe Jam (NSFW)

Jun 22, 4:00AM

If we're going to keep up the hypocritical charade of, on one hand, expecting pruitanical censorship of human anatomy while, on the other, selling 8-year-olds Juicy Couture then we might as well put those silly black bars to good use. Just look at what the Brighton Port Authority (BPA the band, not BPA the BPA) were able to accomplish. Frickin' PONG.



Duke Ellington: Jack The Bear

Jun 22, 3:00AM

This is gonna be a classy Friday night. You don't have to groove to Duke Ellington all the time, but when you do you should turn on Jack The Bear. This chart showcases Jimmy Blanton (Jack the bear...get it?), a bassist who at 22 brought the band to a new level in the early 1940s. Even if you hate 32-bar form and blues choruses, or you think pretentious nonsense is happening right now, listen to the end of the track for the bass solo. That's what it sounds like when someone nails it. [Amazon, iTunes, Spotify]



This Week's Top Comedy Video: Much Ado About Cast Interviews

Jun 22, 2:00AM

Let's face it; Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing probably won't find the same billion-dollar box office success of The Avengers. But if this contribution of totally real cast interviews from co-stars BriTANick is any indication, it'll be a whole heck of a lot funnier.



Most Beautiful Items: June 15 - June 21, 2013

Jun 22, 1:00AM

Most Beautiful Items: June 15 - June 21, 2013

It's the longest day of the year, so I don't really know what you're doing not being outside right now. But since you're here, take a moment to check out some of the best pieces of art, architecture, and design, we found this week.



Do You Have Digital Photos of Yourself As a Kid?

Jun 22, 12:00AM

Do You Have Digital Photos of Yourself As a Kid?

Who doesn't love baby pictures? It's fun and nostalgic to remember what you were like as a kid. But do you keep your baby pictures stored on your computer or are they squirreled away in a yellowing album in the basement of your parents house?



Wine Bottles Can Perch On Any Wall Now

Jun 21, 11:00PM

Wine Bottles Can Perch On Any Wall Now

If there's one thing you might actually want in your face or protruding into your kitchen, it's a bottle of wine. An aggressive reminder to take a load off is always welcome. And these wine holders can be arranged so the bottles form any shape you want.



SMSAlarm, Fleksy, and More

Jun 21, 10:00PM

SMSAlarm, Fleksy, and More

This week's set of Android apps have a little something for everyone. Whether you're the creative type, a little bit of a space cadet (it's ok—we all are sometimes), or texting fiend looking for a better way to get the message across, we've got you covered. It's been a long week, so kick back, relax, and enjoy the best apps Android has to offer.



Exbel, Video for Instagram, and More

Jun 21, 10:00PM

Exbel, Video for Instagram, and More

Instagram's new video feature may have been the most hyped app to hit the market this week, but that doesn't mean there's not a whole world of awesome iOS just waiting to be downloaded. And this week's set all do a little something to make your life easier—now doesn't that sound nice?



Please Don't Ruin Instagram With Crappy Videos

Jun 21, 9:40PM

Please Don't Ruin Instagram With Crappy Videos

An Instagram photo carries a certain artificial heft to it. There's a sense of importance, or at least permanence, to the photos we post to these accounts that you don't get from tweets or even status updates on Facebook. Instagram isn't naturally this way; it's developed this weight because everything on Instagram is beautiful. And with the addition of video, we've got a wonderful opportunity to make the platform more interesting—but we have to be careful.



A Glowing Pump That Lets Drivers Know You're Doing Roadside Repairs

Jun 21, 9:31PM

A Glowing Pump That Lets Drivers Know You're Doing Roadside Repairs

There's a reason that Topeak's MiniRocket iGlow bike bump won a 2013 Red Dot Design Award: the transparent barrel encases a internal optical fiber that turns a small red LED into a brilliantly-visible glowing safety strip. And at just 67 grams, it adds minimal weight to your bike's frame, so it's easy to always keep on hand. A pair of watch-sized batteries powers it continuously for up to 50 hours on its brightest setting, and 100 hours when dimmed.



Facebook Accidentally Exposed Contact Info for Six Million Users

Jun 21, 9:13PM

Facebook Accidentally Exposed Contact Info for Six Million Users

According to a post on Facebook's security blog, a bug in the company's friend recommendation system exposed the contact information of some six million users to others. The bug has been present for about a year, but the company only found out about it in the last 24 hours. The affected users will be notified by email. The company says there's no evidence the bug was exploited maliciously.



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