Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 13 - New 'Gizmodo' feed email from

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First New Arrested Development Trailer: Thank You, Netflix

May 13, 3:49AM

When news first broke nearly a year and a half ago that Netflix was resurrecting Arrested Development for a fourth season, the reception was joy followed by immediate apprehension. Could the expectations be met? Could it be as funny as it is in our memory? The answer, based on this just-released first trailer, is a very hopeful maybe.



Your Only Chance to Hear a "Space Oddity" Cover Recorded in Space

May 13, 12:48AM

ISS Commander and mustachioed Canadian Chris Hadfield has given us no end of joys during his current five-month stint floating above our blue orb. But perhaps none of them is as touching—and just downright incredible—as his sendoff cover of David Bowie's "Space Oddity."



Sand Can Light Up A Room

May 13, 12:30AM

LED lightbulbs are already energy efficient, but they would be even better if they could emit light without connecting to the grid at all. Brooklyn-based designer Danielle Trofe is trying to make that happen.



Google Axed SMS Search Thinking People Wouldn't Notice

May 12, 11:30PM

Shocking no one, or very very few people, Google turned off its SMS search service on Friday. Reports of the outage have begun to sloooowly trickle in on Google forums and Reddit, but for the most part the spacetime continuum seems to be holding up.



The Dust On Mars Would Be Dangerous To Human Visitors

May 12, 10:00PM

It's going to take more than a Swiffer to deal with this situation. Researchers and public health experts at the Humans 2 Mars Summit (H2M) grappled with the question of how to deal with Martian dust if a manned mission to Mars could actually get off the ground by 2030.



Extraordinary 28-Hour Dubai Timelapse Makes The World Seem Magical

May 12, 9:00PM

Back in 2011 when Gerald Donovan filmed Dubai for 28 hours he made an incredible timelapse of it. But he couldn't leave well enough alone. After the limitless potential of the footage nagged at him for a few years he came back to it and made another beautiful version.



Kim Dotcom Is Concerned Enough To Take 3D Printed Gun Plans Off Mega

May 12, 8:00PM

In a statement to TechCrunch that was conspicuously devoid of live-tweeting, helicopter chases or any underwater components, Kim Dotcom announced that he has instructed the Mega staff to delete any public copies of the blueprints for this week's fully 3D-printable gun.



What Would Be Different About A Baby Born In Space?

May 12, 7:00PM

Astronauts are usually pretty busy while they're off planet so there hasn't been a lot of time to, um, look into this stuff, but it's unclear whether humans can procreate in weightless conditions. Apparently, you can't just march into space like you own it and do whatever you want.



This Genius Netflix Flowchart Will Tell You Exactly What to Watch

May 12, 6:01PM

The going gets tough on Netflix sometimes. Between the eight people sharing your account it's just not clear who has been marathoning Grey's Anatomy, and the recommendations are all over the place. How are you supposed to find something to watch? With this brilliant flowchart, of course.



Where Do You Chat?

May 12, 5:00PM

Real-time chat has been everywhere for, you know, forever now and has swallowed everything in its path. Integrating chat platforms and finding a way to coherently deal with texting vs. chatting has become a major issue. Other than venting here in hallowed Gizmodo chatroom posts, how do you manage all the Google chat options, Facebook chat, Skype and everything else? Chit chat below.



Pods Make Sleeping At The Airport Much Nicer, Or Way Weirder

May 12, 4:00PM

You know when someone gets up and you take their seat and it's still warm? And it's kind of gross? Or uncomfortably intimate or something? Yeah I'm worried about that times a million with these sleeping pods.



Vending Machines For Pot Products Exist Now

May 12, 3:00PM

Let's be real here, what could come from a URL like BUT a vending machine for pot? Medbox, the company that produces the $50,000 units, is ramping up and attempting to place them in dispensaries around the country. Consumers can't walk up to a Medbox and feed it their cash, but they can tell the clerk in a state-licensed dispensary what they want.



Hypnotizing Lights Look Friendly Until They Trap You

May 12, 2:00PM

Isotopes v.2 looks alluring. All those pretty, pulsating lines of light draw people in. Relaxing. But once they get in there, things start to change. The lights become more constant and intense. Basically they put people in a somewhat oppressive light prison. Soooo, probably not relaxing.



Bloomberg Reporters Used Shady Terminal Access To Spy on Finance Types

May 12, 1:00PM

Trading on Wall Street is basically a huge game of poker and it would be kind of hard to bluff or cover your strategy if Bloomberg News reporters were watching your Bloomberg terminal to track your every move. So you'd assume that said reporters wouldn't abuse their corporate affiliation like that, because it would be shady and weird. And that assumption would be wrong.



What a Facebook Re-Design Would Be Like in Real Life

May 12, 1:18AM

By now we're mostly used to Facebook moving the furniture around every once in a while. We complain for a while, then just deal with it. But in a way, it's still maddening. Your stuff was HERE and now it's HERE. (Right, right, glass houses.) But at least Facebook can't barge in and rearrange your real life. That would be terrible. [YouTube]



10 Little Things That Would Make Time Travel Super Annoying

May 12, 1:00AM

The first problems that come to mind when you think about time travel probably involve the fabric of the universe or the state of your own existence. But those aren't what would make time travel just plain old irritating. Glove and Boots came up with a little list, and you'll wonder how you never considered them. Maybe blowing up the universe isn't so bad. [Glove and Boots via Laughing Squid]



Listen to Radiohead's Idioteque On a Laser-Etched Wooden Record

May 12, 12:00AM

We've seen 3D-printed records before, and while they don't sound great, they're still pretty neat. Now the same mine behind those, Instructables' Amanda Ghassaei, has got another weird record variation to try out: laser-etched wooden records. It's only a slight step up in sound quality, but still totally cool.



Lightning Looks Beautifully Terrifying At 11,000 Frames Per Second

May 11, 11:11PM

There's a reason "lightning" is so often a modifier for fast; you can barely see it even if you're staring at the right place at the right time. But if you're looking at the right place at the right time with a camera that can capture 11,000 frames per second, you're going to see an incredible show.



The Photos From Today's Emergency Spacewalk Are Totally Awe-Inspiring

May 11, 10:07PM

When astronauts Chris Cassidy and Tom Marshburn left the ISS today to go fix a leaky ammonia pump all quicklike, everyone's favorite YouTubing Canadian Commander, Chris Hadfield, stayed inside to keep things going there. But, as he is wont to do, he took some seriously awesome shots of the spacewalkers at work.



A Heroic Canadian Police Drone Saved a Car Crash Victim's Life

May 11, 9:00PM

Normally drones aren't credited with saving lives. But the Saskatoon Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) reports that their personal drone helped them hunt down an injured car crash victim for rescuing, ultimately saving the poor guy's life.



All It Takes Is a Lego Jukebox To Make Your CDs Almost Useful Again

May 11, 8:00PM

Be honest, when was the last time you actually listened to a CD? Granted, it's not exactly hard to throw one into the drive; it's just that streaming is soooo much easier. Well with just a little bit of help from Lego, a tinkerer named Ralph gave his CD collection a second chance at usefulness.



Gizmodo Is Hiring Editorial Fellows in New York

May 11, 7:05PM

Hello Internet! We're now hiring Editorial Fellows for our New York office.



What Simple Gadget Has Made Your Life a Bajillion Times Easier?

May 11, 7:00PM

We're all looking for something that can solve every one of our problems. Unfortunately that's probably a futile effort. Chances are though, there are cheap, easy solutions to at least one of the annoyances each of us run into every day, it's just a matter of figuring out what the hell they are.



The super impromptu spacewalk to fix up the ISS's broken ammonia pump was a success.

May 11, 6:47PM

The super impromptu spacewalk to fix up the ISS's broken ammonia pump was a success. The new pump is in place with no leaks to speak of and our walkers are back inside.



Why You Should Wait to Buy a Laptop, The Worst Photoshop Ever, and More

May 11, 6:00PM

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the weekend. Here to great you and guide you into a land of bliss is an escort of Gizmodo post about such topics as 3D-printed gun plans, stunning watch photography, quantum Internet, the new FitBit and so much more. Check it all out after the jump, and try not to lose your mind.



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