Friday, May 10, 2013

May 11 - New 'Gizmodo' feed email from

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Movies Summed Up in Nine Film Frames

May 11, 5:00AM

Movies are too long. Even film masterpieces can shave off a few minutes here and there so we can get off our butts, away from laptops, out of theaters, eyeballs off the TV a little bit earlier. So. How short can a movie be for you to get the gist of it? Can it be done in nine single frames?



Floppy Drives Are Only Good for Playing Daft Punk Music Now

May 11, 4:00AM

Can you remember the last time you used a floppy disk? I really don't. I'm assuming it was some time in elementary school bringing a single Word document in a computer class or something. Maybe I'm making that up. Whatever, it doesn't matter. Floppy drives don't matter anymore. Unless they're being used to make music.



Remind Yourself How Small You Are with This Visualization on Time

May 11, 3:00AM

Here's the dirty depressing truth: we're a bunch of nobodies living in a time that is so small in the entire scope of the universe that NOTHING MATTERS. Just look at this amazing interactive visualization that shows the scope of the days, months, years, periods and so forth within the scope of the universe's entire history. Today is not even a sliver.



This Week's Top Comedy Video: Friendly Dating Advice

May 11, 2:00AM

Dating ain't easy in these modern times. You've got OKCupid profiles to worry about, Facebook messages to come up with, Google searches to do, online chatting while at work and all the texting, sexting, snapchats, read receipts, pokes, likes, etc. to read through. Dating with access to the Internet is a multilayered cake that you need to attack from all angles.



A Guy Made the Fire Breathing Piranha Plant from Super Mario Bros

May 11, 1:00AM

If you ever thought real life should be more like the video games we play, you're not alone. At the very least, you definitely have an awesome friend in Caleb Kraft, senior editor at Hack a Day. He made a real homemade version of the fire breathing piranha plant from Super Mario Bros. It's incredible.



Watch More Pretty Celebrities Read the Awful Tweets Sent to Them

May 11, 12:00AM

When you combine beautiful faces with cookie cutter cheekbones, luscious lips and millions of dollars in success, you're bound to get a lot of hate from random joes on the Internet. Can you imagine the mentions column for celebs on Twitter? Yeah. Jimmy Kimmel can imagine it to so he got more celebrities to read the awful mean (and hilarious) tweets sent to them.



Most Beautiful Items: May 3 - May 10, 2013

May 10, 11:00PM

The weather is beautiful, Friday is beautiful, and the frosty beverage you're thinking about cracking soon is certainly beautiful. So to complement all of those wonderfully beautiful things, we're closing out the week with some of our best design posts from the last five days. Enjoy!

What Happens When You Soak a Negative In Gasoline and Set It on Fire



iFontMaker, The Doors App, and More

May 10, 10:11PM

What's the point of owning an iPad if you're not going to let yourself get a little artsy with it? Good thing we've got plenty of apps down here to let your creativity roam wild. Plus a little inspiration if you need it, as well.



Marvel Unlimited, Expense Manager, and More

May 10, 10:00PM

Who says iOS users get all the fun. This week saw two major titles hit Android in full form, giving the comic book geeks among us a vessel for their passion, but general interest users weren't left out either now that a full Flipboard app has arrived. But this week didn't just play catch up, you also got an awesome app all your own.



ScoreCleaner Notes, Pizza Compass,, and More

May 10, 10:00PM

Spring may have officially sprung weeks ago, but the weather is finally starting to catch up. Which means you can finally escape from hibernation and reenter the social world around you. This week's set of apps are here to help you connect with friends and have the time of your life— be it with beautiful music or just some chatting over pizza, you'll be all set.



ISS Astronauts Preparing Emergency Spacewalk to Fix Critical System

May 10, 9:38PM

Yesterday, astronauts aboard the International Space Station noticed odd flakes floating about outside, which turned out to be ammonia leaking out of the radiator lines of the space station's power system. Now, after a day of deliberation, it turns out two astronauts will leave the ISS, and brave the great abyss to try to fix the problem. Uh oh.



Popular Stories from Across Gawker Media

May 10, 9:26PM

Jezebel Buy a Properly Sized Bra and Put It On Correctly, Dammit | io9 Weirdest and Most Memorable Roles the Game of Thrones Cast Played | Gizmodo Dear Microsoft, Don't Bail on Windows 8 | Deadspin Coach Eddie Jordan Didn't Graduate From Rutgers, Despite School's Claim



This Tether Only Makes Your Dog Think She's Roaming Free

May 10, 9:20PM

Your dog just wants to be free. But also? She totally can't be trusted. So the SUREswivel—an anchored leash that lets her wander around safely—is a good compromise for the two of you.



Why So Many Beer Bottles Suddenly Look So Different

May 10, 9:00PM

You'd know a can of Budweiser anywhere. Like many other major brands, whether it's Coca-Cola, M&Ms, or BMW, Bud's red and white packaging is instantly recognizable. It's familiar, it's safe, and it's universally likeable. But recently Budweiser, along with several other ubiquitous beer makers including Miller Lite, Heineken, and Sam Adams, have made major changes to their iconic packaging. Here's why.



Gizmodo is Hiring Editorial Fellows in New York

May 10, 8:58PM

Hello Internet! We're now hiring Editorial Fellows for our New York office.



What Space Does to Each of Your Five Senses

May 10, 8:20PM

Commander of the International Space Station and awesome-stronaut Chris Hadfield just finished a weeklong series called "Senses in Space," where he describes what spending a long time in space does to each of your perceptions. And apparently, space is generally pretty bad for you. In the following five videos, Hadfield talks about blurred vision, loss of taste, and other unpleasant effects of the low-gravity environment—but all with his characteristic good cheer.



11 Online Chat Cliches We Should All Agree to Stop Using

May 10, 7:42PM

One of the many unbearable things about the internet is how we use certain words and phrases until they are completely void of any meaning at all. And, because it's the internet, the most insufferable trends stick around long after they're welcome.



Watching Your Brain Freak Out on a Scanner Calms You Down

May 10, 7:20PM

People who observed their own brain activity using real-time fMRI feedback were better able to control and reduce their anxiety, a new study says.



Experimental Flying Car Crashes Near Canadian School

May 10, 7:17PM

An experimental flying car crashed this morning near a school in Canada. Does this mean it is also the first ever flying car crash? (UPDATED)



Every Single Major League Baseball Game Is Your Deal of the Day

May 10, 7:00PM

There are roughly 2400 baseball games in a season, but depending on your TV situation, you only get a small fraction of them. That sucks, especially if you're not in your favored team's home market. Maybe one day we'll be able to order à la carte channels, but until then your best bet for watching your home-away-from-home team is MLB.TV Premium.



Google Drive Is Down (But How You Can Access Your Files Anyway) (Updated)

May 10, 6:52PM

If you're opening Google Drive to a blank screen and/or server error message, you're not alone. Despite Google's Apps Status Dashboard's encouraging green dots, everyone we've spoken to seems to be running into the same problem.



Apple's Got a Huge Waiting List of Cops Who Need iPhones Cracked

May 10, 6:38PM

It's no secret that the police aren't very good at breaking into encrypted iPhones, but they've been asking Apple for help. A lot of help. According to reports by CNET the government asks for so much help that the "please decrypt this iPhone for me" waiting list is at least seven weeks long.



OpenTable Is Secretly the Best Thing on the Internet

May 10, 6:23PM

No one hates OpenTable. No one finds it small or inconsequential or twee, as so many modern startups or services can be. No one thinks it does a bad job, or that it treats its users as property or hostages. On an internet that takes no greater joy than in being the first (or millionth) person to say something sucks, there's maybe no better compliment.



Amazon just released the Cloud Drive Photos app for iOS, meaning iPhone users can finally manage the

May 10, 6:09PM

Amazon just released the Cloud Drive Photos app for iOS, meaning iPhone users can finally manage their Cloud Drive photos on the go just like their Android brethren.



This Sleek Briefcase Hides an Easy To Clean Portable Pet Potty

May 10, 5:59PM

In what will surely lead to some wacky mixups at the office, Modko's upcoming Shake looks like a stark white briefcase, though it's actually a portable place for your pet to potty. But before you get completely disgusted, it seems like the folks at Modko have thought this one out.



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