Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mar 23 - New 'Gizmodo' feed email from

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Why Do Humans Play Games?

Mar 24, 1:00AM

Every March (as well as any number of other months), those of us who aren't into sportsketball ask ourselves this question: we do people care about sports at all? Vsauce has taken the question a bit further, and dug into why we—as a species—play games at all. Nerds, we've got more in common with those jocks than we might have thought. [Vsauce] More »

They Might Be Giants: You're On Fire

Mar 24, 12:00AM

Sometimes it's refreshing to find a song with a very candid title. Enter They Might Be Giant's "You're On Fire," which is not only a kickin' tune, but also literally about people being on fire. There you go. More »

Is Fashion-Conscious Design the Future of the Stapler?

Mar 23, 11:00PM

Most of the documents we send these days are digital, but when it comes to attaching the physical ones together, there's nothing quite as helpful—and satisfyingly clicky—as a good old-fashioned stapler. The New York Times has whipped up a little ode to the device, in appreciation. And the key to staplers' survival might lay in eye-catching design. More »

T-Mobile's Testing Out Its LTE Network in 8 Different Cities

Mar 23, 10:00PM

The "uncarrier" T-Mobile has an announcement coming up next week, and while it could be about anything, some recent data about their LTE testing provides a clue. According to OpenSignal, T-Mobile has already started testing it's brand new, upcoming LTE network in a total of eight different cities. More »

The IRS's Horrible Parody Video Is the Worst Star Trek Episode Ever

Mar 23, 9:00PM

We all have our favorite Star Trek episodes, and the ones we think aren't quite up to snuff. But here's something we can all agree on: the IRS's nearly $60,000 Star Trek-inspired training video from 2010 would be the worst Star Trek episode ever. No contest. More »

How Apple's Password-Reset Security Breach Worked

Mar 23, 8:10PM

Yesterday, The Verge uncovered a security breach that allowed malicious users to reset Apple ID passwords with nothing but an email and the user's birthday. Luckily, the process didn't leak out in full before the whole thing was patched up, but now iMore was able to reproduce the hack step by step and now it's sharing details on how the whole thing worked. More »

What's The Most Annoying First World Problem You Are Still Waiting on Tech to Solve?

Mar 23, 7:00PM

As tech makes our lives easier and easier, the little incoveniences that are left just get more glaring by contrast. Sure, I don't have to use a chamber pot but sometimes my magical pocket computer that knows practically everything gets uncomfortably warm when I'm using to to play GTA III and that's annoying. More »

The First Beautiful Android Phone, The Most Accurate Map of NCAA Fandom, The iDumbPhone, And More

Mar 23, 6:00PM

Congratulations, you've successfully made it to the end of yet another week. How about a little celebration? We have plenty of goodies to choose from. Take your pick from the Voyager's journey to the edge of the solar system, the first truly beautiful Android, why T-Mobile's LTE network could kick serious ass, the iDumbPhone, a stunningly accurate map of NCAA Fandom, 7 Galaxy S4 features you can have on your iPhone, and more. Check it all out below. More »

These Exploding Droplets of Glass Are a Bewildering Quirk of Physics

Mar 23, 5:00PM

Making a Prince Albert's Rupert's drop is easy; you just let some molten glass drip into a bucket of water. But the resulting structure is so much more complex than the process that made it. The guys over at SmarterEveryDay took an in-depth look to explain why part of it can't be destroyed with a hammer, while its other half explodes with the slightest nick. More »

Recycle Your Old Water Bottles Into Flaming DIY Rockets

Mar 23, 4:00PM

Those of use who know from experience can safely say there's nothing quite as much fun as a homemade rocket. But part of that fun is not getting your hands blown off. Nighthawkinlight has a fun, easy way you can get the best of both worlds, and "recycle" your old water bottles in a literal blaze of glory. More »

The Cheapest and Easiest Way to File Your Taxes Online

Mar 23, 3:00PM

April 15th will be here before you know it, and it's not like you've got complicated offshore holdings (or any holdings, for that matter), so why put off your taxes any longer than necessary? There are plenty of online services that let you do your taxes as soon as a you have your W-2. And unlike last year's debacle at the CPA, you won't be scolded for not putting on pants. More »

Bill Gates Has $100,000 For Anyone Who Can Invent a High-Tech, Next-Gen Condom

Mar 23, 2:00PM

Condoms are a life-saving piece of tech, and for being little more than uninflated latex balloons, they do their job pretty well if you wear them. That's the part that Bill Gates is working on. No, he's not going around as a one-man condom-police army, but he is offering $100,000 to anyone who can make a condom less of a bummer to wear. More »

Barnes And Noble Will Give You a Free Nook Simple Touch If You Just Buy a Nook HD+

Mar 23, 1:00PM

Given much thought to picking up a Nook HD+? Neither has anyone else, which is why Barnes and Noble is keen to sweeten the potential deal by adding a pretty enticing bonus to the package: a free Nook Simple Touch. Free free free. More »

A Stop Motion Video Showing the Drawing of an Art Model from Every Angle Brings the Sketch to Life

Mar 23, 6:00AM

Stop motion videos are usually charming because they're so bare boned, the choppy movements are part of the appeal. But at its most wonderful, stop motion videos can bring sketches or toys or static objects to life. This super creative idea from Wriggles & Robins shows just that—every angle of an art model is captured and translated to stop motion. More »

If Star Wars Was Set in Jurassic Park

Mar 23, 5:00AM

Mashing up two wonderful things into one ridiculously wonderful thing should be the constant goal of mankind. That's how we got smartphones. And gummy bears infused with alcohols. And designer drugs. One Minute Galactica imagined what would happen if we mashed up Star Wars and Jurassic Park and they came up with Jurat-at Park. I've watched both movies so many times that it's a no brainer that I would totally watch this movie. [Slacktory] More »

The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: NOVUS

Mar 23, 4:00AM

The creatives over at Light & Hevvy produced this stunning retelling of On the Concept of History by German philosopher and literary critic, Walter Bendix Schönflies Benjamin. Per thesis IX: More »

Naked Human Bodies Jumping Up and Down in 2000FPS Is Not Flattering

Mar 23, 3:00AM

Jiggle. Blubber. Bounce. Gravity's a bitch. It's especially unforgiving if you jump up and down naked while getting filmed at 2000FPS. That sort of slow motion camera work exposes all the extra meat we carry on our bodies. LA video artist Michael Haussman captured naked people in slow motion to show you what you're missing. More »

A Meteor Streaked Across the East Coast of the United States and No One Has a Damn Picture Of It Yet

Mar 23, 2:45AM

At around 8 o'clock tonight, a meteor that's been described as "huuuuge green" and "very bright" and "blueish" and "glowing green" and "pretty big" and "very slow and bright green" was spotted across the east coast of the United States from NYC to DC to Baltimore to West Virginia to Boston and basically any big city where millions of people live. But unlike the Russian meteor that exploded over the sky, no one has a freaking picture of this American space rock. More »

This Week's Top Comedy Video: TLZ

Mar 23, 2:00AM

If you love everything about TMZ but just wish it could be a little kinder, gentler, and more generous... well, you probably don't love much about TMZ. But TLZ will be right up your alley. More »

What Happens When You Drop a Hot Ball of Nickel Into Honey

Mar 23, 1:00AM

Because dropping super freaking hot balls of nickel is always fun to do, seeing it get dropped in various substances never gets old. This time, honey gets the hot nickel treatment. It starts pulsating like a geyser while getting all bubbly and foamy until it squashes the plastic container holding down the steam. At the very end, the honey turns into some kaleidoscopic goop. The video takes a while to get started but you can spend that time wondering what other things you can drop the ball in. [Cars and Water] More »

Our Old Classic Fears Translated Into Modern Technology Nightmares

Mar 23, 12:00AM

Do you remember all your childhood fears? You know, like all those nightmares you had about being chased, being naked and getting killed by monsters. You stopped being scared of them because you grew up and you replaced old fears with new digital nightmares. Like being trolled and accidentally sending sexts and the Internet being down. Grown up life can be scary with technology! More »

Buy This Watch Because Features

Mar 22, 11:20PM

If your watch has perpetual oyster movement, tells time in five zones, doubles as a Swiss Army Knife, slice and dices Julianne fries, speaks German and Swahili, and can survive a dunk in the Marianas trench but you don't use those "features" daily, congrats! You're a sucker for marketing. More »

Is This the Samsung Galaxy S IV Mini?

Mar 22, 10:49PM

When we found out Samsung was making a mini version of the Galaxy S III we got excited... and then we were disappointed because it was so boring. If these leaked photos are true, it looks like we'll be disappointed again because even though the S IV Mini has a svelte body and not ginormous 4.3-inch screen, the S IV Mini will have neutered specs compared to the big brother full size Galaxy S IV. Boo. More »

Most Beautiful Items: March 16-22, 2013

Mar 22, 10:20PM

You get to the end of the week and your eyeballs are just about ready to fall out of your head. Don't let that happen. Here's a little restorative reprieve in the form of the most beautiful things we found this week. More »

This Giant, Twisting Garden of a Tower Mimics Our Own DNA

Mar 22, 10:00PM

A marriage of microbiology and vertical gardening, Taipei's currently-under-construction Agora Garden will be a twisting, blossoming double helix amplified to massive proportion. More »

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